Happy new year, everyone!
May this year bring fantastic things for all of us, including that of health, happiness, success, prosperity and of course, lots of love.
To kick things off, I thought I'd share something that may be of interest. I've been into astrology for as long as I could remember. Just a few years ago, my close friend B let me in on his go-to guide, the Russh Magazine annual astrology report by the famed Susan Miller.
While we all know to take these forecasts with a grain of salt (actually, make that a generous peppering of salt), but B, our friends and I couldn't help following the report and going back on the last one just as the year is ending to see how much of the forecast has transpired. Most often than not, we've had more of 'Yes, that did happen!' moments than not.
So here's the 2013 astrology report. I'm including the link to the Russh Magazine website, as well as the complete report here in case the original link expires in the future.
Russh Magazine 2013 Astrology Report by Susan Miller
2013 will provide you with a happy new year and finally allow you to
settle the challenges you have faced over the past three years. It has
not been easy to be an Aries, for you were challenged on many fronts.
From October 2009 to October 2012, Saturn was opposed to your Sun for
three years, considered the most difficult of all aspects. You may have
had a hard time in regard to a partner in love or business, or with
your health – or all three – but through it all, you learnt a thing or
two about relationships and about your own strengths. Three years is a
long time, but now you are tougher, stronger and much wiser than you
were when this trend started. Think back – you are now a completely new
person compared to then.
Saturn takes 29 years to revolve around the Sun, so it will not
oppose your Sun again until 2039. Although you may view that period as
too strenuous, it did have value. If Saturn were not to exist, we would
be nothing more than little marshmallows – Saturn strengthens the mind,
body and spirit, for Saturn teaches us to deal head-on with reality.
Once Saturn left Libra in October 2012 you felt relief. This
taskmaster planet had to go somewhere else, so he moved into Scorpio and
your eighth house of other people’s money. This suggests that from now
on, you are about to get a cosmic MBA in finance. Saturn is a little
like self-adjusting hair conditioner – some people need a lot of
conditioner, others just need a little. Saturn will give you just what
you need, no more, no less.
For some, it may be a lesson to have money put aside for
contingencies. For others, it’s the value of having a lawyer look at all
contracts, for the money saved by not having an attorney is being penny
wise and pound foolish. You may learn to look closely at bank and
credit card statements because you may find errors, or to check more
regularly to guard against identity theft. Others may learn to be ready
for a tax audit at all times, or to view your credit rating as
incredibly valuable. It may be not to be too trusting when taking a
partner in marriage or business and to do background checks or to have
pre-nuptial arrangements. It may be to understand that once you have
children (or even if you don’t) you need a will. It may be the simple
lesson of a simple lesson of not loaning money to friends or finding out
what it takes to buy your first house. Saturn usually brings a feeling
of walking over threshold into a new realm, to learn something new and
much more grown up, no matter how old we happen to be.
You need to keep in mind that all placements of Saturn are not equal.
A big part of the reason you suffered so with Saturn in Libra is that
other major planets – namely Uranus and Pluto, as well as the eclipses
in 2009 through 2011 all in conflicting cardinal signs (Aries, Libra,
Cancer and Capricorn) – made life much more difficult for you.
Generally, Saturn in Libra shouldn’t have been as difficult as you
experienced it to be, but it was the other transiting planets that were
in the neighborhood coincidentally that turned up the heat.
This year, none of those difficult planets will be at play on Saturn.
Furthermore, Saturn will have extraordinary support from Jupiter, giver
of gifts and luck, once he enters Cancer in July, and Neptune, a planet
of vision and creativity, now in Pisces, forming a magical glittering
golden triangle in the sky mid-year near 17 July, but that you will feel
as early as June and as late as early August. This means that you will
absorb the lessons of Saturn far more easily – possibly even naturally
and organically.
Also Saturn and Pluto will be in mutual reception, which means each
planet will be in the sign that the other one rules, and as a result
each will help the other in a friendly way, and like old married people,
even begin to act like one another. Namely, Saturn will be in Scorpio –
the sign Pluto rules. Pluto will be in Capricorn – the sign that Saturn
With wildly different orbits, it’s rare to get a mutual reception. It
takes Pluto 248 years to revolve around the Sun, and Saturn, as said,
nearly 29 years. The last time we had a mutual reception of these two
planets it was at the time of the American Revolution. This is
considered a very powerful reason for everyone to expect an easier time
from Saturn this time ‘round.
The last time you had Saturn in Scorpio, it was back in 1982 to 1985,
but you may have been too young to feel an affect or to recall that
phase. In that case, this will be your first experience. If you were old
enough to recall those years, you will likely find the second time
around easier, as presumably you have already learned a great deal from
Saturn the first time. The ancients wrote that as we get older, we have
less to learn from Saturn, so he will always be kinder to us.
Consider the possibility that under Saturn’s tutelage that you will
leave his three year testing and teaching period far richer and feeling
more secure than when you entered it. This is true even if Saturn has to
drag you kicking and screaming to listen to all he has to teach you.
You may even become a little like a Taurus, a sign that reads their bank
statements and zero balance credit card statements on cold winter
evenings while sitting by the fire with a glass of wine. Taurus finds
reading their investments and bank statements more engrossing – and
comforting – than reading a good book. I hope you (and Taurus friends)
are laughing, because I poke fun, but there is a gram of truth in that
Now let’s turn to the year’s eclipses, which are the wild cards of
each year. In 2013, we have five eclipses, and in this unusual year,
several overlapping series, creating a dizzying array of change that
will spin all around us, no matter what sign we happen to be, not only
Aries. Eclipses illuminate where we are and where we are going – they
bring sudden news, and usually bring a floodlight of change.
The new eclipse series that have just entered will be in Taurus and
Scorpio, again emphasising the way you deal with money. The first
eclipse in the series happened late last year, on 13 November, and it
was generally friendly. Think back to see if you can recall if you had
any developments – perhaps your employer picked up your health care
costs at that time, or announced matching funds to any contribution you
make to your retirement account. You may have seen an influx of money.
The first eclipse in this series in 2013 in this series will occur as
a full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio on 25 April and force you to be
practical and realistic about money. Yet this eclipse won’t be all
stress and strain – it is mixed and has some marvelously positive
aspects too. How you experience this eclipse will depend in large part
on how you’ve managed your finances for some time. This 25 April eclipse
is a full moon, therefore an ending, but the next one will be a new
moon, and open you up to a fresh start. It is possible you will come to
an agreement on the division of property in a divorce, or hear the
reading of a will.
Eclipses come in pairs, so the one after that arrives as a new moon
solar eclipse, 10 May, and may bring up a new source of income, quite
out of the blue. It’s also possible you may get a substantial raise.
Certainly money talks will swirl about you – you will have plenty to
After that, the last eclipse for this year, in this Taurus – Scorpio
series will be the new moon solar eclipse, 3 November, which will focus
you on a different type of financial question, that of student loans,
venture capital, inheritance, child support and alimony, mortgage or
refinancing plan, loans, financial court settlements, or other types of
funds that would come under “other people’s money.” That last eclipse
will be the most beneficial, best eclipse of the year.
There will be two final eclipses in this series in 2014. This all
suggests that you will be doing something entrepreneurial or else have a
big dream that will require you go out to get funded, such as to buy a
house. One of your happiest events of 2013 will be to buy or lease a
large, sunny apartment or house. You may move, but if not, a renovation,
re-design, paint job, or repair project seems on the agenda. If so, the
results will thrill you. If you need to sell property, be optimistic,
as the buyer will likely meet your price. Jupiter, the planet of good
fortune, will be in Cancer, the sign ruling home and family, from 25
June 2013 to 15 July 2014, making this year your best for these home and
family-related matters.
The strong emphasis on banking and money suggests you may be talking
over the idea of buying a house or condo, or renovating your space in a
major way – and need to take out a loan or get a mortgage to pay for
your plans. Or, you may rent your apartment, but need to move due to
career, and your company may foot some of the bill. If you plan to open
your own business you may need to borrow some of the capital to get
Jupiter not only brings opportunity but also usually gives
you the means to take advantage of it. Jupiter won’t come back again for
twelve years, so knowing this, you would be wise to make this fine
period for home, property, real estate and family work for you. Family
support for your ideas will be simply extraordinary during this phase
(the second half of 2013, and the first half of 2014.)
When Jupiter moves on in June 2014 next year, he will move into your
house of true love. The plan is simple – feather your nest, and then
invite love in. While you wait for your wonder year for romance (the
beset in a decade) you have several extraordinary days in 2013 to enjoy
First, put a gold star on 6 April when Venus and Mars will have a
rare and sexy meeting in Aries – this will be the first meeting of these
cosmic lover planets in your sign since April 1985! April will be
extraordinary because not only do you have these cosmic lovers of Venus
and Mars, but also a “stellum” of planets – said more poetically, a
crown of stars (planets) – in Aries, including Mars, Venus, Uranus,
Mercury, the Sun and new moon, to make you magnetic and incredibly
charismatic. The first three weeks of April will be your time to feel
that you’ve finally moved into the drivers seat and you can drive in any
direction you choose. You must have your priorities straight.
Also, the two weeks that follow the new moon of 6 August will lay the
groundwork for someone intriguing to appear unexpectedly, and be
someone quite special.
The new moon of 10 April may bring you someone new may appear your
life too, when you least expect love to come to you. Socialise in style
after the new moon appears, and in the two weeks to follow. You will
likely have a parade of followers.
After that, from August through mid-September, Mars, your ruling
planet, will bring more sustained fireworks to your romantic life. If
attached, plan a vacation with your one-and-only any week from early
August through mid-October. The conception of a baby is very likely in
April, in July through December, or in early 2014.
As you see, you have a wonderful year shaping up, dear Aries – it is
the year you hoped to have as far back as three years ago, but it’s
coming now, and you will appreciate it to the fullest. The tide is
turning to your favor, at long last!
This is a big year for you, with emphasis on many fronts – money,
travel, romance, commitment, health, career and communication. Let’s
take each one at a time and see what is in store for you.
First, when it comes to money management, as a Taurus, you often show
a natural talent for making money – and making it grow. It has been
said that a Taurus needs a generous nest egg to feel fully secure, and
if that is true for you, you should be quite content during the first
half of 2013. You will be able to increase your income by quantum leaps.
You will earn your money the old fashioned way, for this will not be
money you win, receive as a gift, or get approved as a loan. This is
good news, for if you can earn good money now, you will find ways to
earn more in the future. It seems that you will create a new salary
baseline that you can build upon the future. Certain industries will be
especially strong for you. They include book, magazine and internet
publishing, broadcasting, advertising, publicity, film, software and app
development, travel, tourism, shipping, courier, and transportation
industries, automotive, motorcycle and cruise ships, marketing, public
relations and sales.
By late May and June you will do so well financially that you may
assume that you’ve made it to easy street. Still, in life, things can’t
always be this sweet, so when generous amounts of money begin to roll in
(or, you see that unusual, big raise), be grateful. See if you can find
a way to save some of your stash or to lower your debt substantially.
The first half of the year will be stronger financially than your second
half. It has been twelve years, to back to June 2000 to June 2001,
since you’ve had generous Jupiter to help you in this area. Back then,
your outlook was not as special, for you hosted Saturn in a difficult
spot – in Gemini – which took away some of Jupiter’s splendor. Now,
twelve years later, you will have a far better situation.
You will earn the old fashioned way, not money you win, receive as a
gift, or as a loan. That’s good news, for if you can earn good money
now, and once you show that you are able to raise your baseline, you can
build upon it, and will find ways to earn more in the future. Certain
industries will be especially strong for you. They include book,
magazine and Internet publishing, broadcasting, software and app
development, telecommunications, travel and transportation industries –
including automotive, and jobs involving marketing, public relations and
sales. All these areas shine for you now.
On June 25, Jupiter will leave the financial part of your chart,
so prior to that date, you must do your best to get your foot in the
door of any influential person who will see you. In truth the projects
you developed the actions you took, and contacts you made from 4 June
2011 to 11 June 11 2012 (the time Jupiter toured Taurus) will be the
most fruitful for you in early 2012, for you will see a time of
exceptional flowering of lucrative opportunity.
In terms of your career, the first quarter of the year should be
quite exciting. Mars will tour your fame and honors section from 25
December 2012 to 1 February 2013, and help you lay the groundwork for
your bigger month, February. During January, work on perfecting your
resume and begin to notify friends that you are interested in finding a
new position. At work, speak with your boss about taking on new
responsibilities. The, by the new moon 9 February and the ten days to
follow, you will enter into an enormously important time for career
progress, them most important of the year. Act quickly after the new
moon arrives for best luck – 11 or, if possible, 12 February – for good
How well you learn to express information will make or break your
success during; the second half of the year. Jupiter, the giver of gifts
and luck, will tour your third house of communication and will teach
you to become more sophisticated and masterful at writing, speaking,
editing, translating, negotiating, coding, teaching, or publicising
anything you are passionate about. When you explore other forms of
communication, all will improve and you can now raise your mastery over
words in ways that will surprise you.
So important is communication is that the ancient astrologers felt
that this entire area deserved an entire house of the horoscope to
itself. You can dream big this year – if you want to write a book, or
write a cover story for a magazine, write a screenplay, learn a dialect
to act in a movie, do a lecture tour on a topic you have expertise, or
have a similar big idea – then you must launch it in the second half of
the year, in any month after 25 June, you will have the best opportunity
to have that big success. Actually, July will be especially wonderful
time for you to make your attempt. Show your past work and new ideas, or
take classes so that you can become proficient. Your destiny may await
In romance, if you are dating seriously, Saturn, the taskmaster
planet, entered your seventh house of marriage last 5 October 2012 to
stay until September 2015. Saturn may encourage you to make a serious
commitment; Saturn will pose a few obstacles to test your union’s
strength and durability. If you love each other, and you both remain
loyal, you can surmount any test and grow closer. During this time, you
will learn a great deal about the character of your partner and
hopefully you will like what you see.
There is another way Saturn may deliver its message. Saturn is the
great teacher, so wherever we host Saturn is where we get the biggest
lessons in life. In this case you will host Saturn for three years in
your house of marriage and commitment, so if you are with a person who
does not value your time, and you hope for marriage, you may find later
regret that you gave that person so much of your time. Saturn can be the
tough love planet, and we all get a bit of Saturn in all phases of our
lives for two-and-a-half or three years. You just started this trend, so
you will have to see what comes up.
If you’re single and dating and you find your current partner is not
interested in marriage, you will leave to find someone more suitable.
Saturn is now opposed to your Sun, so you have become more realistic,
and you will find that your time will become more precious. You will not
wait for some uncertain future.
Single or attached, will find the very best opportunity to find new
love at the 5 September new moon, a very happy time for you in the two
weeks that follows. The person you meet at that time is likely to stay
in your life a very long time, if not forever.
If you are attached, your partner may go through a difficult patch,
where you will be called to be a lighthouse of energy to your partner in
some significant way. You may feel burdened, but this is a necessary
part of your evolving maturity. Some people need just a little Saturn,
and some people need a lot, but Saturn will give you precisely what you
need to need to learn.
If you are in a relationship and you suspect that you are
incompatible, you will have to decide what to do, for with Saturn you
will no longer be able to put off the decision about your future. You
can try to fix things and that might work out well. Or, if you feel
things are simply hopeless, things will go from bad to worse and you
will part. Saturn will not allow things to remain status quo. The
relationship will not stay the same. This is a rare aspect that comes by
every 29 years, and depending where Saturn is at the time of your
birth, you may experience Saturn two or three times in your life, but
each time become easier, because presumably you have already learned a
great deal the first time.
As an aside, in terms of health, now and in coming years, you will
have to take very good care of yourself. Saturn opposed to the Sun is
very strenuous, and at times your ability to fight off colds and viruses
will be low. If you were born 20 April to 10 May (or even a few days
beyond) you will have to be extra careful as Saturn will make a direct
opposition to your Sun during this time. Taurus born later in the sign
will feel this aspect in 2014 but it’s always good to get strong ahead
of time.
All Saturn transits are like a rite of passage. You may feel that you
have become more grown up, and that you are ready for more
responsibilities. If you are ready for marriage, you will marry within
the coming three years, and you may even do something else that is new
to you, in addition to becoming married, such as to buy a house or have a
baby. Whatever you choose to do will be new to you, and will require
study or advice from friends, but will bring you enormous satisfaction
and wisdom.
If you are single and hope to find someone new this year, Saturn’s
tour of Scorpio and your house of marriage will not have as powerful
affect on as it will on those attached. The only difference you may
notice is that you will be more discriminating about the people you will
date, for you will be more serious about building a stable relationship
for your future. If you want marriage, you won’t date types that are
clearly not suitable. Still, be careful not to eliminate too many
suitors form your list of qualifications; you may stop seeing someone
who has an excellent potential to make you happy.
The full moon of 25 February will be quite important, as it will
bring the full moon in your house of true love, and with Pluto so
friendly to your Sun and full moon, you may travel together, and weave
quite a wonderful, sentimental memory.
The time after the new moon, 11 March, will be sensationally social
too, and you may have at least one big, quite glamorous event to attend
at that time. Saturn will be in a perfect position to help you make new
friends, and among them may be one special person you will want to date.
After that, you will enter you best time, dear Taurus, to find new
love or to could again take flight in a big way – it may turn out to be
you best time of the year. Single or married, you’re sure to get a lot
of attention from your romantic partner, 5 September, plus two weeks.
(Those born on or within five days of 3 May will enjoy this new moon the
most.) This new moon will be the most important new moon of the year to
bring you more love and attention. It is vital that you circulate in
the two weeks that follows this new moon, but begin doing so early, 5, 6
and 7 September, as soon as that new moon appears.
If you hope for a baby, you may do well to try during your most
fertile times, in the two weeks that follow – not before – the following
dates: 11 January (the new moon in Capricorn), 11 March (the new moon
in Pisces), 9 May (the new moon in Taurus), 5 September (the new moon in
Virgo). These are your best times in 2013 to try for conception, or to
do something special for a child you have now.
After this, love may blossom again from 15 October to 7 December
2013. This will be a wonderful time for love, and as you see, bring you
an enormously large window of time to meet your destined lover, or to
fan the fires of love in a present relationship that has become too
predictable. Uranus will cause cosmic storms to blow through at the end
of October and early November, so don’t plan a holiday at that time, as
things may not go smoothly for anyone at that time.
Dear Taurus, you have so much to look forward to in 2013!
During the first half of 2013, you will be the most favored sign. You
have Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, in Gemini for the first time
since June 2000 to June 2001. Dust off your wish list, for you will have
a superb chance to grasp a goal that is dear to you. During the coming
year you will meet a number of influential people who will want to go
out of their way to help you. Your career can grow now, because you will
have no trouble getting the eye of top people, and you health will
improve too.
This is a very special trend, and one you should take seriously. The
last time Jupiter in Gemini, and crowed you the celestial favourite, it
was mid-2000 to mid-2001, but as luck would have it, taskmaster Saturn
was in Gemini too, and took away so much of the goodness of Jupiter.
To explain, when there are conflicting outlooks, great luck from
Jupiter, and difficult times from Saturn, there is a blending of
energies. Saturn was not as harsh as it could have been for you, in
those years, but Jupiter didn’t have the chance to express its fullest
gifts to you either. That was a shame, as you missed your opportunity
for great luck in those years – even when it was good time for you, it
could have been better – but in 2013, you will have no such impediment
to your joy in 2013!
Jupiter in Gemini will likely bring you a chance to travel, very
possibly overseas to a country you’ve never seen. You won’t likely go
alone or with a friend but more likely with a partner, business or
romantic in nature. View this rare visit of Jupiter in Gemini as a time
of reward for all that you’ve done in previous years. Jupiter will make
you magnetic and attractive, and others will want to encourage you and
follow you anywhere you go. This news is particularly interesting
because it will take your love life from dark and dreary to bright white
and happy, providing you with high contrast change from what you
experienced in the past.
When it comes to finding new love, over the past three years, with
Saturn in Libra, you may have encountered challenges, for Saturn is
known to bring obstacles, such as your new sweetheart might have been in
another city or still pining over another love that has recently ended.
Nothing has been straightforward for you, and that must have been
frustrating. Now all that is over and you are looking at a whole new
situation, for in October 2012, Saturn moved on to another sign,
releasing you to much improved chance to find love life. Saturn will not
be back to the difficult place it occupied for romance for Gemini, the
sign of Libra, until 2039.
There are other ways you may have felt Saturn in Libra. You may have
had problems with getting pregnant, with adopting a baby, or were
concerned over the welfare of a child you have now. Saturn often calls
for sacrifice of your own needs for that of someone you love – a lover
or a child – and if so you may have taken funds you had hoped to save
for yourself.
The same house that was brought the blocked energy of Saturn is the
area where creative is found, too, so you may have fund an artistic
expression took more time and more money than you ever thought possible,
causing quite a bit of stress as deadlines fell and costs rose. Still,
Saturn is known to bring excellent concentration, so ironically, despite
the pressure, you likely turned out work of which you can be proud –
possibly the best ever. Still, no one likes the level of stress you had
recently. Thankfully, Saturn has left Libra, releasing you from all
these types of concerns.
You have many wonder-days set to begin in 2013. Watch first 5-6
April, when Venus will meet with her lover, Mars, a rare, once-in-two
year occasion but this time their link will be better, for they are
choosing to meet in Aries, a fire sign that blends beautifully with your
air-sign element. Those are Friday-Saturday date nights so be sure to
plan something to do for one of those days.
Just a few days later, the new moon 10 April will bring a crown of
stars in Aries, which is remarkable – the Sun, new moon (still strong),
Venus, Mars and Uranus – and all bent on giving you a vibrant social
life in the two weeks to follow. Single or attached, you will be
stepping out, and our friend will have a large role to play in your
life. One friend may make an introduction and change your life forever.
The full moon in your love life, 27 March, will bring vacillating
energy, so you’ll have to watch to see what happens. When it comes to
any fifth house activity (love, children, creativity) things will be
unpredictable. If single, you might decide to end one relationship for
another, but not to worry as you will have superb options to find love,
especially while Jupiter is in Gemini, until 25 June. If someone is not
right for you, this would be the time to cut things off before things go
on too long. Although Jupiter was in Gemini during June to December
2012, Jupiter was retrograde, and therefore weak from October 5, 2012,
and will turn around on 30 January 2013. From then on things will go far
better for your love life from then on.
Eclipses in Gemini-Sagittarius over the past two years (starting with
21 December 2010, arriving every six months, were also examining the
state of your love life too, and attached Gemini felt those eclipses the
most. We only have one eclipse in that series left, 25 May 2013, and at
that time you will decide about the future of a serious relationship.
If you are happy, you may move forward with optimism – you may get
engaged or married soon.
One of your favourite, luckiest and best day of 2013 will be 28 May,
when Venus, the love planet will conjunct Jupiter in Gemini, a rare,
once-a-decade event.
Next, watch 19 June, the luckiest day of the year, when the Sun and
Jupiter will meet, also in Gemini, making this a five-star day for all
purposes and experiences, including love. Jupiter will not conjoin the
Sun in Gemini again for twenty four years, for they will skip 2024, a
year they should meet, so you’ll have to wait until 2036. Make this year
Normally, October should be great for new romance, but this time, the
new moon 4 October, and the full moon, 18 October, both will be angry.
Be wary of a relationship started in October – it has some of the year’s
toughest aspects. Storm clouds will clear by November, after which you
will know the direction you need to take. If you have to address the
progress of a love relationship this new moon will almost force you to
do so.
You are due to have a surprisingly happy year-end holiday. Mars will
tour Libra, to light your house of true love from 7 December through the
end of 2013 – and beyond, until 25 July 2014. Mars will retrograde in
2014 (1 March to 19 May, 2014), the reason the Red Planet will spend
such an extraordinary length of time in your house of true love. Watch
love blossom during that time! You’ll have a spectacular end to a great
In terms of health, you need to be vigilant, and keep your annual
appointments and exams. The eclipses have come to Scorpio, and will
highlight any problems that you need to address quickly. The first
eclipse in the series actually occurred last year, 10 November 2012. The
next will be less friendly, 25 April, when Saturn will join that full
moon and almost force you to pay attention to anything that may be
amiss. If you need a procedure have it scheduled, and consult my annual
Year Ahead 2013 calendar for Mercury retrograde dates to avoid. Go ahead
with a procedure if you have an emergency of course – In that sense,
Mercury retrograde will be trying to help you to fix something that has
gone wrong in the past. Venus rules Taurus the place the eclipse is
falling, and with Saturn in opposition, you will need to be practical.
3 November brings more of the same trend, with Saturn again very
prominent at this full moon. Again you will need to deal with reality,
and if anything comes up, simply do whatever needs to be done. (I am
not saying anything will come up. Eclipses are simply cleansing points.)
In your career, Mars will come in on 1 February, to stay until 12
March. This will be a very important phase for your career, one of the
most important, for Mars will help you lay the foundation for at big
jump in status in your industry (or the world) at the new moon, 11
March. Mars only comes by once every two years, so this is a sign that
you are beginning a powerful new career cycle. During this time, work
hard to spread the word that you are interested in taking on new
You may have a wonderful development when a rare crown of stars line
up in Pisces – six in all – on 11 March. You will have Neptune, Venus,
Mercury Mars, the Sun and new moon will all align in Pisces. All these
planets will be in your house of honors, awards and achievement, giving
you an amazing shot at happiness. Pluto will support you from the income
sector, insuring money would be part of the development. Mars will be
very close to the Sun and new moon, which says you will be willing to
give your new professional opportunity all you have to give. Saturn will
be supportive of Venus, shining light on your talents, and giving any
new project you dive into staying power.
Unrelated to the new moon, 11 March, but on the same day, Uranus, the
planet of genius will send Jupiter a beautiful vibration. This says a
friend may be instrumental in getting you the opportunity and when it
comes – likely within two weeks of this new moon – it will arrive like
The eclipses in Scorpio-Taurus in late April and early November will
help you take on new projects, and each one will allow you to display
your talents in a new way.
Life has not been easy for you over the past three years, but you are
in line for a set of lucky breaks that should have you smiling at
various points of 2013. You do have several points when rapid change may
leave you spinning, but thanks to the entry of Jupiter to Cancer in
mid-2013 to stay a full twelve months, you will have a wonderful
bodyguard at your side in Jupiter, making sure your interests are
addressed, and more than one or two desires fulfilled.
Since late 2009, Saturn was part of the group of planets making
Cancer’s life difficult, especially in regard to Cancer’s home and
family life. It was likely that you either experienced challenges in
regard to a housing or property matter, or had concern over the care or
welfare of one of your parents. Saturn was a big culprit, usually Saturn
does not exert the kind of pressure you were forced to experience
The reason things were so tough was that Uranus and Pluto were in
hard angles to Saturn creating over-the top pressure from every
direction, far more than was typical. Saturn exited your home sector
last October 2012, so those challenges have started to lift. Your
outlook for your home and family life in 2012 will improve, but perhaps
not entirely quite yet.
The reason I say this is that your outlook for home, property and
family matters is not entirely dependent on Saturn, and that’s the
sticking point. Due to a difficult full moon in your home sector that
will be due on 27 March and an equally difficult new moon later in the
year on 4 October, in Libra (the sign that governs your home and family
life) you may have to be patient for another year before you can fully
settle plans involving your home, other property or related to one of
your parents or other family member.
It seems both the full moon in March, and new moon in October, will
bring a number of unexpected factors into play, so when developments
surface, remain practical and coolheaded. You have a lot going for you
in other areas of your life, and those will bring enough good news to
keep you smiling. I will have some extraordinarily good news for you –
so stay with me. No need to stand on your desk and scream, “I am
doomed!” Nothing could be further from the truth!
The first half of 2013 will be quiet, but important. You may notice
that some of the elements that you regard as fixtures of your life start
to disappear or fade away. Not many, but it is likely you will notice
that one or two key elements to your present life will. All that the
universe deems “no longer relevant” to your future will start to become
unhinged and be swept out with the tide.
The universe will need to make room for new elements in preparation
for Jupiter’s arrival in late June. Some parts of life – an old job you
never liked, a relationship that has become nowhere fast – will have to
go. Have faith that the universe knows best, for once you begin to see
the goodies that the universe has planned for you in the second half of
2013 you will be quite thrilled.
Now let’s turn to the really huge news of 2013, and why you should be
excited and happy about what is to come. On 25 June, Jupiter, planet of
good fortune, will enter Cancer for a twelve-month stay. The ancient
astrologers said Jupiter was exalted in this sign, for in Cancer,
Jupiter expresses his goodness most naturally and easily, and it is also
easier for you to absorb the gifts he has for you. Not all planets are
equally comfortable in all of the 12 signs – some planets like to be in
some signs more than others. Lucky you, Jupiter loves being in Cancer!
This is the first time since mid-2001 that Jupiter, has come to your
sign, and now you are in line to receive many rewards and lucky breaks
in various areas of your life. In fact, with Jupiter at your side, you
will likely find yourself at the right place at the right time, time
after time. The pace of life will pick up too – just after your
birthday, for Jupiter will enter 2 June– and life will start to look
very sunny.
The Cancers who will feel Jupiter most directly in 2013 will be those
who have birthdays that fall from 21 June to 8 July. If your birthday
falls within that period, you will find that life will be very fortunate
for you as Jupiter moves overhead, so to speak. If you were born from 8
July to 22, you will feel you’re biggest benefits in the first half of
next year, for Jupiter will remain in your sign until 16 July 2014.
Having said that some Cancers will feel the most benefits next year, I
will add that you likely have other natal planets in Cancer (or Pisces
or Scorpio, also set to benefit), so chances are, every Cancer, no
matter what birthday, will benefit in 2013. This is a major trend, and
one that could bring life-changing improvements to your life quickly See
this as a reward year for so much you have already done over the past
ten years.
If you are single, the second half of 2013 and first half of 2014
could well bring you an introduction to your one true love. You will
receive many other benefits from Jupiter too, including more vital,
health and vitality, more money and career status, and a strong
likelihood of travel overseas, too.
In terms of health, 2013 shines brightly. If you feel you need help
from a professional therapist about a difficulty that you’d like to gain
perspective on, seek treatment from January through June 2013, a time
you will be at your most philosophical, reflective, and intent on
finding clarity and balance.
In truth, all sorts of medical procedures, including ones physical,
such as surgery, would likely be successful any time this year. Your
twelfth house and first house, both will be emphasised this year and are
associated with the healing of your body, mind or spirit. If you are
troubled by a habit that is destructive to your body, or have a
psychological issue that you would like to resolve, seek treatment in
the first half of 2013 that you can enter your special year unburdened,
clean of old cares.
If you should discover later that attending to medical and
psychological matters in the first half of the year does not fit your
schedule, you also have wonderful health aspects when Jupiter, planet of
plenty, moves into Cancer. Indeed, when it comes to gaining better
health, you truly a have a very upbeat outlook. Should you discover
that you have a health concern at any point of 2013, be comforted in
knowing that it was arising at a time when Jupiter is close. Jupiter
will help you find the right medical personnel who understand your
condition and who are considered leaders in their field. So while
Jupiter in Cancer can’t guarantee you would never have a health issue
(nothing in astrology is that way) his presence does suggest you will be
able to locate a wonderful specialist to help you.
Of course, before you do any procedure or consult any therapist, be
sure to ask friends for references, and read up on the doctor’s
background. A recent piece in the news reported that most people take
more care in planning a vacation than they do in choosing a doctor –
don’t let that be you. Get several opinions if necessary. You will
always learn new details about your condition by seeing a second or
third specialist.
Career opportunities will be more plentiful, and high-level people
will want to give you special favour. You will need to know precisely
what to say when you hear VIPs ask, “How can I be of help to you? What
are you aiming to accomplish in 2013?” Have a clear, cogent answer
ready. This will be no year to drop the ball.
Now let’s talk specifically about your career because you will have
much emphasis on this area of your life all year, even before Jupiter
comes knocking on beginning 25 June.
Watch what happens in the days after the new moon, 9 April, and opens
the door on new professional opportunities. You will have the Sun, new
moon, Uranus, Mars and Venus all crowd into your house of fame and
honors. This will be an extraordinary number of planets to have focused
on your professional advancement sector, much more than you’ve had over
recent years, and this behooves you to take full advantage.
If you work in publishing or broadcasting, the Internet, software,
travel or telecommunications, the new moon of 9 April may have
staggering implications for career growth. Important jobs take time to
get, so you may find the process takes weeks or months to crystallise,
but what matters is that you begin the interview process sometime within
the ten days that follow.
From July to December 2013, other industries will see growth – home
design, furniture, home arts, kitchen supplies and appliances, hotel and
hospitality, restaurant management, cooking schools, maternity apparel,
any industry that caters to the expectant mother, and finally all
financial fields.
Many Cancers dream of having their own business, and to be involved
with entrepreneurial businesses. If that describes you, then you should
keep your eye on 12 March through to 20 April as your key months of
2013. Mars will give you energy and drive, so you won’t run out of steam
if you launch then, but within that period, I still feel you should
wait until after the new moon in Aries (9 April).
See what discussions you have in the week that follows that new moon –
something is almost sure to come up. You will have Jupiter’s support,
which is a blessing. A new moon in Aries always brings Mars to the
forefront, and in this case, Mars will be conjunct the Sun and Venus, a
sign of just how energetic and determined you will be to launch an idea,
bring in new clients, or start a business.
Aries is a leadership sign, so if you are the boss, or hope to be in
charge, then this new moon is also for you. The newer the type of
business, the more you want to be a pioneer, the more this new moon will
advance your cause. Aries is all about being drawn to adventure and
taking risk. Mercury will not be retrograde, so you will have an open
How you well you will fare depends will always depend on how
thoroughly you did your due diligence. With all five heavenly bodies in
Aries, many in hard angle to your Sun, you must be familiar with all the
laws you need to faithfully follow, you may have many nights of stress.
Sometimes planets in Aries (especially Uranus or Mars, as you will have
then) can make anybody too brash and bold. Double-check your
assumptions, and consult experts who have experience with the type of
goal you hope to achieve.
The full moon lunar eclipse of 25 April, in Taurus, may change your
source of income as Saturn will be conjunct the moon and opposite Venus.
(The subject of this eclipse is Venus because it is Taurus’ ruler.) If
you should lose a source of income, although that news would be
upsetting, it might be evidence of the clearing out process that I
talked about earlier in your report, during the first six months of 2013
and that might occur in any area of your life. You have good aspects
for finding a new income source, especially near 28 January, 18-19 June,
and at the new moon, 6 August plus two weeks.
For a rise in career status, watch 22-23 July when Mars will meet
with Jupiter, a stellar day for your career news. Although this is a
narrow window, it is a potent one, so be sure to use it for a
professional goal.
Mid-July should be a magnificent time for you, and important for
another reason On 16-17 July, linking Neptune, Saturn, Mars/Jupiter into
a glittering triangle of rare harmony. You will start to feel this
exquisite water-sign configuration as early as the beginning of June
through the start of August. All triangles have three points. One point
will point to Jupiter and Mars in Cancer, representing all your
interests. The second point will touch Saturn and bring your creativity
to the attention of others. The third point of the triangle will link
the other planets to Neptune in Pisces, giving you luck with foreign
people and places, academic and legal areas too. Neptune’s involvement
also underscores your creativity too.
I will admit that the coming year will not be without gyrations in
your career, and one rather confusing and difficult situation may arise
out of the full moon lunar eclipse 18 October. Uranus will be close to
the moon, causing an unpredictable situation that may change in
substance as you move through it. You may have to change your approach
to conform to quick moving events, so stay flexible.
At the time of the new moon 18 October, Saturn will be close to
Mercury; the planet of thinking, suggesting that any decision you would
come to would have long-range implications. With Mars standing opposite
Neptune (and this eclipse puts extra weight on Mars, as the eclipse is
in Aries, and Mars rules Aries) finding the right solution may be a
challenge because facts will be hard to come by. You may have to slow
down and table decisions until the dust settles and you can get more
accurate information.
Romantically, you have Saturn moving through your fifth house of true
love, working to stabilise your relationship. You seem to want to
create a long-term relationship – no more telling your life story to a
steady stream of new dates on Saturday night.
You may experience rapid shifts involving your relationship due to a
series of eclipses in the Scorpio family in your solar fifth house of
true love. Those changes and developments seem to be all over the
place—up and down, and inside out, but even so, you can still land sunny
side up. With Uranus, you never know what to expect. Just make sure you
are treated nicely, and not like someone’s employee. You seem to be
attracted to powerful types these days (due to Pluto in Capricorn for
many more years) and are typified by partners who are used to getting
their own way. You need an equal voice in the relationship, so you may
have to stand up for yourself, even if you would rather not have to do
Pluto rules Scorpio, and is currently in a long-range tiff with
Uranus, the planet of unexpected developments. You will have to stay on
your toes in love, because you seem to have a whole variety of aspects,
some superb, and some jarring, but taken together, they will keep life
With Saturn in your romance sector, you may meet someone who lives
far from you, or who is in the process of a divorce, or who has ended a
relationship but is still heartbroken and who is having trouble moving
forward. Saturn won’t stop you from finding a loving relationship, but
may test you to see how much you want the relationship to work, or test
your judgment to see if you are being realistic in your romantic
decisions, and reactions.
If you are attached, you’ll be very focused on your partner in the
second half of January, just after the new moon 11 January. In fact, if
you are hoping to get engaged, January could easily be far more romantic
than Valentine’s Day. Still, there is always yin and yang in astrology –
in January you may discover you need to clear the air on a matter that
is on your partner’s mind. If you notice that your partner seems unhappy
about a matter, do not wave off any concern; listen with both ears.
You have a very social, lively period coming up on the new moon, 9
May, thanks to the Sun, new moon, Mercury and Mars all crowded into your
eleventh house of friends, hopes and wishes, a fairy tale area of
enchantment. With so many planets supporting your social life, you
should enjoy at least one very special, luxurious or fun event where you
will look forward to going, and when you do, you will meet many new
Later that same month, on 28 May, you may have an exceptional event
to attend, as Venus, the ruler of your most social people/ events/ new
contacts sector will meet with Jupiter. This is sure to be a four-star
day, a big feature of 2013, so makes it a point to be out.
Your crowning moment for finding love in 2013 will occur on the solar
eclipse, a new moon, 3 November, when no less than four heavenly bodies
will fill your house of true love. That is a rare and important build
up of energy that will set the tone for your love life for the twelve
months to come and possibly longer – possibly forever! Saturn will
conjoin this new moon eclipse, indicating you may have a big decision to
make, and when you do, you seem to know that the decision will affect
your life for many years. Still, even though the tone of this solar
eclipse is weighty, this eclipse is quite favorable.
As a result of the 3 November eclipse, you may meet a new person who
will become a big factor in your life. If you are in an established
relationship, you may decide to get engaged or married soon after that
eclipse, or to welcome a baby. (The fifth house, being emphasised by the
eclipses in the new series, also rules pregnancy, adoption, and the
care for children you may already have in your family.) If you can take a
vacation in November that would be a great idea, for it’s likely to be a
highly romantic experience.
As you see, you have a big year, dear Cancer, filled with all sorts
of big life changes. The main event will be the entry of Jupiter to your
sign for the first time in 12 years. This is a year that everyone wants
– you will be celestial favorite who gets to wear the crown beginning
25 June, and a loving Jupiter will protect you in so many ways.
It has been said by writer Edna Buchanan, “Friends are the family we
choose for ourselves”. A very sweet sentiment that rings true. Walter
Winchell, the late newspaperman, also wrote a comment that we all can
relate to: “A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world
walks out”. Dear Leo, you are about to expand your world through
contacts, friends, and among them will be those choice gems, people who
will stick by you through thick and thin.
The reason for this magnificent gift of friendship is that Jupiter,
the giver of gifts and luck, will be in Gemini, and fill your very
social area of the horoscope of new contacts/ people/ events (eleventh
house). Jupiter will bring all sorts of activities that are new to you
and that will expand your world. It is very clear that your best luck
during the first half of 2013 will stem from the people you already
count as friends as well as through the new people you meet.
In 2013, the year is neatly cut in two like a loaf of bread broken in
half, with two equal parts. Your vibrant time will extend from January
though 25 June You and I will talk about the vital second half of the
year too, but let’s focus on your social life for now, for it will be
quite exciting, the first half when Jupiter will do you the most good.
New friends will lead you to an ever-widening circle, with more
romantic introductions likely along with many invitations to parties and
gatherings. If pals want to act as little matchmakers, graciously
accept. Even if your friends have never quite known your “type” in the
past, in 2013 it seems at least one friend may bring you that much hoped
for a match-made-in-heaven.
The sign ruling your solar fifth house is Sagittarius, and Jupiter’s
ruler, and therefore is always a planet to watch when asking the
question, “How will I meet the one for me?” During the first part of the
year, you must circulate as much as possible because friends and casual
contacts will make all the difference to your success.
You must be ready to say goodbye to a few old friends too. Like
everything else in life, there is a natural attrition within your
friendship base, due a lack of common interests. Among the new people
who will arrive in your life, several will emerge that you’d like to
know better. Friends will turn out to be better for you than
professionals. For example, if you need to find an apartment, go to a
friend rather than a broker. You may now experience enormous personal
growth by joining a charity or professional organisation, or by getting
more involved in social media.
The eleventh house is the house of hopes and wishes, and during this
period you will have an exceptional chance to see the realization of a
dream. It may be spiritual (“I want a baby”) or material (“I’ve been
saving to buy a house”). No matter which your desire
happens to be, Jupiter will find a way to bring you what you most
desire, and it might be one that you have ever given up seeing.
Of the months spanning January through June, let’s first look at
February. This month will be just made for you if you are attached, or
if you are dating and hoping to become engaged or married. The new moon
on 9 February will receive magnificent vibrations from air-sign Jupiter
in Gemini from your eleventh house of hopes and wishes, just in time for
Valentine’s Day.
In April, you’ll want to travel overseas when a crown of stars in
fellow fire-sign Aries will light up the evening sky. First, note 6
April when Venus will meet her lover Mars in a rare embrace in fellow
fire-sign Aries (the first since 1985), perfect for you. Romantic luck
will likely come your way at the new moon, 10 April (plus ten days), for
that friendly new moon seems poised to set off pretty fireworks. Single
or attached, you will get plenty of attention.
June may turn out to be your best month of all, for the new moon, 8
June will fulfill the most promising social elements of 2013. The new
moon will set off the fun, and you may notice that lots of invitations
start to come to you in a flurry.
There is one day in particular that may shine as brightest. If you
are invited to a party on 19 June, accept – this will be the luckiest
day of the year, when good luck planet Jupiter (and ruler of your house
of true love) will link to the Sun this is vital, because the Sun is
your ruler, giving this magical day double strength to you. You may make
a fateful meeting or see a friend go far out of his or her way for
you. (You can give 19 June a plus or minus one day.) A vacation taken
in June, near or on this date, would also be sensational – chose to go
Shortly thereafter, Venus will tour Leo from 27 June to 22 July, but
Mercury will be retrograde at the very same time (26 June to 20 July).
This may indicate that you will suddenly see an old friend or lover
that you’ve not seen in years will come back to see you. With Venus in
your sign, you will be at your charming best, so if you want to see the
person who contacts you, be my guest.
The second half of the year will be quieter, but highly productive.
At that time, n 25 June, Jupiter will enter Cancer. If you have a
project that requires you to concentrate behind closed doors, such as to
complete a book manuscript, finish your thesis, or work on a medical
research project, do the main part of your work in the second half of
2013, while Jupiter tours your twelfth house. (This trend will continue
into the first half of 2014 too.)
You will be able to continue to cultivate your friendships and
relationships in the second half, too of course, but it appears you will
have a different, more serious focus and won’t be quite as much in a
lighthearted mood. That’s good, though, for you will be able to be quite
productive and finish off your project without other people distracting
The new moon of 2 December will bring an opportunity for love to
bloom, quite suddenly when you are not expecting anything special to
happen. You may meet while traveling, or a trip may fan the fires of a
present relationship to a feeling of freshness and passion.
One point to consider when making plans for the holidays. The last
two weeks of December have many cosmic storms rolling through, leaving
people feeling raw and out of sorts. That would NOT be the time to
schedule a vacation or for any major romantic event. Do all your most
important actions in early December, and time them for just after the
new moon, 2 December. Plan to spend a quiet holiday at home this year.
Your home life may begin to become an ongoing concern, as Saturn has
now entered Scorpio and your house of home, as of last October 2012. In
the coming year, you may find that your home seems small or that you
are having problems leasing, buying or selling property. It does appear
you will need to address some sort of living situation or care for a
parent (both topics are covered by the same house). In fact, you are
likely to see this subject come up as a major at the April 25 eclipse.
Take your time to find options. One good workable answer may come up in
the weeks that come after the solar eclipse, 3 November.
If you hope to score a big career victory, you need to be ready for
the new moon solar eclipse on 9 May, when your tenth house of fame will
be brilliantly lit by the new moon, Sun, Mars, Mercury – Venus just
missed being with the gang of planets by a degree (but clearly you’ve
impressed people previous to this new moon). You must be ready at this
time – nothing later in the year will compare with this important new
moon for advancing career matters. Get your resume and CV ready, and
tell everyone you know that you are ready to make your big leap up the
ladder of success.
Saturn will slightly oppose that eclipse, so any position that comes
up at the time will bring with it status along with heavy
responsibility. Venus will be in hard angle to Neptune (and Venus plays a
big role here, as Venus is Taurus ruler, the place the eclipse falls).
This means that you must not let enthusiasm carry you away before you
clearly understand all that will be expected of you. Otherwise, however,
you seem to be able to leave the competition in the dust, wondering
what happened when you gallop off with the prize of this wonderful job
in your hands.
Later in May, Venus will conjoin Jupiter on 28 May, a sensational day
for career matters, when a fabulous career opportunity may simply land
in your lap. Look your best on this day (plus or minus one day) for you
will be on display!
Now let’s turn to a more personal trend, one that will not occur
outside of you, to be observed but rather it will happen within you, to
be felt. It will be triggered by Jupiter’s new entrance in Cancer, from
25 June 2013 until 16 July 2014. At the time, you will not notice
Jupiter’s work will be subtle, but it will be powerful and strong phase
nevertheless. Jupiter finds expression in Cancer that is graceful and
natural, said to be one of the finest places for Jupiter to be.
There is a certain type of danger that I should mention, for Jupiter,
the ruler of your solar fifth house of true love, by this time in 2013,
will be posited in your twelfth house of secrets This could bring on a
passionate clandestine affair with someone who is clearly not available,
but who may intrigue you. You will be vulnerable to harm at the time,
so you should consider carefully the risks of this alliance. These type
relationships rarely end happily, and when Pluto opposes Jupiter on 7
August, others may learn of the alliance, or, later, Jupiter moves into
Leo next July 2014. Be careful and think twice.
The fact that Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, is moving to Leo is
important, joyous news for Jupiter only visits one’s sign every twelve
years. For you, Jupiter will crown you celestial favorite from 16 July
2014 to 11 August 2015. You will only get eight of these visits from
Jupiter in a lifetime if you live to be 96. Understanding that you
cannot fully use the first visit of Jupiter (whenever that may occur,
from newborn to 12) and later, when you are in your 90s (or close to
that age), you can’t truly use those “bookend” visits of Jupiter. That
leaves six visits in a lifetime of Jupiter, of which this will be one.
You can readily see how important this period will be for you –
Jupiter makes all wishes possible, and it is considered a time of
enormous reward, improved health, distant travel, and opportunity on a
In astrology, we learn the value of preparation. So starting next
July, find time to sit in quite reflection, and time to reset your
priorities, and of release of destructive habits and relationships. If
any obligations and associations no longer seem relevant to your goals,
you need to either renegotiate the terms, or end some.
The universe will bring you many opportunities, but if your basket is
overstuffed and overscheduled with elements from your present life, you
will have no room to add anything more. The coming trend, with Jupiter
in Cancer, from mid-2013 to mid-2014 is about preparing a clearing for
your new elements. While it would be easy to skip this step, ancient
astrologers urged us not to do so, but to use the time to insure your
year with Jupiter in Leo to its very fullest extent.
Virgo is the most industrious of all the signs, and making productive
professional headway is always a priority for you. With that in mind,
you will be thrilled to know you are about to see enormous career
advancement during the first half of 2013 – everyone in your industry
will be buzzing about your successes, and even competitors will have to
admit that you are doing extremely well. Discussions that you had in
December 2012 may come into play as 2013 starts.
It’s imperative that you keep your eyes focused on the road ahead,
and not become overly distracted by socialising from January through
June. This is the first time in 12 years that you have had Jupiter, the
giver of gifts and luck, in Gemini to fill your tenth house of career
accolades and professional advancement.
This is a trend that started on 11 June 2012, so you may have seen
proof that career victories are on the way to you. In fact, as the
modest soul you are, all the fuss being made about you may leave you a
little bewildered. The trouble with last year was that Jupiter was just
getting settled into your career house, when in early October 2012 he
went retrograde. Jupiter was still working for you, but not at the full
power. This all means that if you have not seen enough advancement, hold
on to your hat, because Jupiter will move forward at the end of
January. From end-of January then until 25 June, you have a brilliant
opportunity to see your name in lights.
It’s been a long time since you’ve seen such glittering career
aspects. Looking back to the last time Jupiter in Gemini paid a visit to
your tenth house of fame and honors it was mid-2000 to mid-2001 but by
an unfortunate coincidence, Saturn was also in Gemini too, spoiling the
pudding. Saturn is a testing, taskmaster planet, so back then, you had
to prove yourself by passing several severe professional tests before
any of Jupiter’s rewards could flow to you. Saturn certainly dampened
the effect, but you may have had some brilliant successes, but you
really had to work for them. Now you have no impediments – over the
years, it seems evident that you have already proven your worth, in
spades! Now Jupiter will heap rewards on you in a way you’ve rarely, if
ever, seen. Show that you are serious about going after them.
If you go back even further, to an earlier time when Jupiter was in
Gemini and lit your tenth house of fame and honors, you have to look at
the period that occurred from July 1988 through July 1989 approximately
25 years ago. That should have been a sensational year for your career,
because Saturn was in a better position and not bent on messing up your
opportunities. (I will admit during the first part of that period, in
1988 you may have had a family or housing development to think about at
the time.) You may be too young to think back to 1988-1989, but if you
can remember what happened to your status in those years, if you applied
yourself to your profession, you were getting enormous respect from
VIPs, peers and competitors alike.
The road is wide open for you now, so you need to pay attention to
this aspect, and make it work for you before Jupiter moves on this year
to Cancer on 25 June 2013. You will have time to socialise and enjoy
life at various points year, but keep it light and easy. The universe is
giving you an amazing opportunity to move ahead in the first half, and I
don’t want you to drop the ball. (From July through December, the mood
will be much more social, so by concentrating on work in the first half,
you won’t miss anything at all.)
Certain fields glow especially brightly for you: publishing,
broadcasting, Internet, public relations, marketing, travel, automotive,
transportation, and telecommunications, software, electronics,
couriers, hotel and hospitality, editing, proofing, public speaking and
lecturing, foreign translations, sales, legal contract writing and
negotiation, and other positions in any industry that hinge on
Jupiter often brings an opportunity to travel internationally, so you
may have taken at least one overseas trip, or, alternatively, you may
have had a chance to work with people in the international arena. You
will start to notice that you will be working with much higher level,
distinguished people, and on a broader, more sophisticated scale.
Keep an eye on June, your most likely month to receive a major
promotion or to land a new lucrative client, although I will admit that
the whole first half of 2013 will be strong for your professional
interests. Watch what happens at the new moon, 8 June, plus the two
weeks that follow – that period could be the icing on the cake.
One day in particular to put a big gold star is 19 June, your
luckiest day of the year for career matters, when the Sun and Jupiter
will have their annual meeting. This is a weekday, so schedule your most
important meetings for this day (plus or minus one day).
If you are in a creative field, be ready at the new moon, 11 January,
sure to bring an exceptional opportunity for you to show off your ideas
and get them approved and funded. Pluto will be supportive, and so will
a whole gang of planets, including Venus, Mercury, the Sun and new
moon! You can hit that ball right out of the park, dear Virgo.
Finances were a sore subject over the past three years; Saturn in
Libra caused your most harsh difficulties. Last October, Saturn left his
thorny position in your earned income / salary sector and won’t be back
to this position for 29 years. You may be still saddled with residual
debt from that long period, and some crosscurrents swirling about this
year may make it hard for you to see a major increase that you had been
hoping to see. Be patient – it is coming.
This will be your best opportunity to increase your cash flow will be
to find side assignments or, if self-employed, new business,
immediately after the new moon 10 April. If negotiating your
compensation for a new position just after that new moon arrives, you
may also do well by asking for benefits that are worth good money – a
fine health insurance plan, extra vacation days or a year-end bonus
based on performance may be negotiated. Avoid asking for a raise in
October when VIPs will be in no mood to grant increases.
The second half of the year will have a lighter, more sentimental
feel, with fewer business pressures. By time Jupiter leaves Gemini, you
will have plenty to celebrate professionally, and it will be safe for
you to turn your attention the softer side of life.
From 25 June 2013 to 16 July 16 2014, Jupiter, planet of good
fortune, will cruise through Cancer, and light your house of social fun/
new people and events. You’ll have plenty to do, and you will come to
know many new people. New friends will bring you into new realms and
introduce you to even more including a possible new romantic partner.
You will develop new interests too. This sounds exciting!
The house that Jupiter will shine his magnificent light, the eleventh
house, is also called the house of hopes and wishes, and during the
time Jupiter will be with you to help you see the realisation of a
long-held dream. It matters not if your dream is spiritual (such as to
find true love, or have a baby) or material (such as to own a home or to
buy a new car, for instance.) Choose a realistic dream that you want
most, and work toward making it a reality. Jupiter will help you achieve
your wish sometimes the second part of 2013 and first half of 2014. You
will know when it has arrived – there will be no guessing.
In love, January will be your big month! You will have a cluster of
twinkling stars in your true love sector starting 11 January, so in the
ten days that follow, plan to socialise much more often than usual.
This will be the only new moon of the year in your romantic sector, so
you will want to find ways to use this time to meet people.
Rarely will you have this level of cosmic support in matters of love.
Venus will be in your true love sector, along with your ruler, Mercury,
powerful Pluto, the mighty Sun and so the new moon will come in and
package all that energy and make it accessible in a way that you can
use. The person you meet in the days following will have the power to
change your love life in the year to come. That’s the power of a new
moon, and that’s why you should pay close attention to them.
If you would like to have a baby, there are several points of 2013 to
watch, each a new moon, and for each date, give a plus ten days from
the date mentioned: 11 January, 11 March, 9 May, and 8 July. These will
be your best dates for conception. You actually have a very good chart
for welcoming a baby into this world. If you had problems, see a
specialist during those phases, for those are the best for progress. Do
not have elective procedure during Mercury retrograde, 23 February to 17
March, 26 June to 20 July, 21 October to 10 November.
Watch too, 23 June, the tender full moon in your house of true love/
This is actually a beautiful moment of the year, for at the time, Pluto
will add power to the moon. Jupiter will orbit very close to the Sun
and partner with the full moon (within five degrees), bringing happiness
and the means to weave a memory you’ll long remember. Neptune will get
into the act, working directly with the full moon from your house of
commitment and partnership. This should be a four-star moment! This date
falls on a Sunday, but you will feel the affects on Saturday too, and
for four days beyond 23 June.
Later, the time near 16-17 July will be outstanding too for fun,
romance and social activity, when a golden triangle will appear in the
heavens to grant you your wishes for long-term, faithful, stable love.
At that point Mars with Jupiter, both in your eleventh house of hopes
and wishes, will both send a signal to Saturn, the ruler of your house
of true love, and will link to Neptune, in (and ruling) your house of
marriage and commitment. You will begin to feel the glow of this rare
aspect – it is one of the features of 2013 – starting in early June and
extending all the way to through the first week of August.
Actually, from 13 July to 27 August, you will have Mars heating up
your social schedule, and with a beautiful new moon working for you 8
July, strong for two weeks too, you have all of July and August to
enjoy. Knowing this, you may want to plan a vacation for that period. If
single, you never know whom you may meet, and if attached, you may fan
the fires of love.
If marriage is on your mind, March will be a big month to make a
decision – or to exchange rings and promises. Watch for developments at
the new moon 11 March, when a crown of stars will crowd into your
commitment sector, including Mars, Venus, Mercury, Neptune, the Sun and
new moon. This is an unusual build-up of energy, with six out of ten
heavenly planets in one area of your chart. If you hope to get engaged
or married March may be the month. Or, you may decide to wed in
September, closer to your birthday, say, shortly after the divine new
moon in Virgo, 5 September. That new moon is friendly to Mercury – a
must when entering into a legal contract, of which marriage is one.
In matters of health, your only problem may be tension over tight
deadlines now that Saturn is in your communication sector. Watch in
particular the days near 20 May and 1 November, when jarring Uranus and
Pluto will clash, and near 3 October, when Uranus will oppose the Sun.
Virgo has a delicate digestive system, so when you feel tense, switch to
gentle foods and avoid unfamiliar spices. Overall you should find
health to be a strong point.
As you see, dear Virgo, you have quite a bit of fun in store, and
lots of professional accolades, too, in 2013. What an exciting year you
have in store!
You’ve certainly walked the gauntlet with Saturn in Libra over the
past three years, but in October 2012, Saturn finally bid you adieu, and
he won’t be back for 29 years. Although the past three years were
difficult, you gained a great deal from the experience, and you are now
stronger, more confident and feeling more seasoned than ever before.
Saturn makes us feel grown up, no matter what age we happen to be at the
time he comes by.
Most people do not have the difficulties you did with Saturn because
normally, when Saturn goes into one’s sign, it’s a one-on-one situation,
where Saturn works to tutor you without interference. You had something
very different, for you had to fend off pressures from Saturn in Libra,
Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Aries, important eclipses in Cancer and
Capricorn from 2009 to 2011, all in hard angles to your Sun. This is not
usual at all, and it was about as severe a set of aspects as you could
The ancient astrologers have a name for that rare configuration; it
is called a cardinal cross, which is a set of four planets in cardinal
signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn) with two in direct,
180-degree in opposition, and with at least four 90-degree squares,
which are very harsh. You probably didn’t know what hit you when these
planets showed up at your doorstep as far back as 2008 and began
taunting you from different corners of your chart.
Tension was high. The eclipses have since left Cancer and Capricorn,
and Saturn left Libra. You might be feeling Uranus in Aries and Pluto in
Capricorn, but being those planets move slowly, you would only feel
those planets when they move over your Sun, within five degrees. In
2012, that was Libras born early in the sign, with September birthdays.
If that is you, your home/ family life and your close, intimate partner
(in love or business) was your focus and gave you angst.
In this coming year, if you are attached, your partner will continue
to need more space and time alone. Uranus, the planet of unexpected
developments, is moving through your house of marriage, which also rules
long-term serious relationships and business ties. Your marriage may be
fine but your business partner may be acting in idiosyncratic or
strange ways, or vice-versa, your business partner may be fine, but your
marriage partner acting out of character.
With Uranus in your seventh house of serious, committed
relationships, all you can do is observe and talk things through. If
your marriage concerns you, do not try to control your partner, for that
won’t work. The more you try to contain your partner the more your
partner will resist you. If you want to hold on to love, hold on
loosely, not tightly. Of course, with Uranus in this house, your partner
may not be treating you well, and you may decide to leave. Sudden
breakups do happen with Uranus in this house, but realise that astrology
cannot forecast a predetermined result. There is no destiny here. You
have to see how you feel.
The full moon in Libra on 27 March will show you the true colours of
someone close, one way or another, but it does seem you will be
surprised, or even shocked by what you learn. More information about
your significant other, or business partner, will come in early to
mid-April, as you will have a crown of twinkling starts your house of
partner, all opposite your Sun. If you feel the relationship is strong
and worth working on to make even better, you will know that to be true
and you what to do at that time. If you are ready to throw in the towel,
it will likely happen in late March or early-to-mid April.
Libras most likely to feel stress from a partner this year, whether
that person is your steady/ marriage partner or a business partner, are
Libras with birthdays that fall from 26 September to 2 October.
Pluto will act up too, and may bring concerns over family matters,
possibly bring to the surface long buried feelings from as long ago as
childhood. This may be due to the passing of a parent or grandparent, or
a family member you were deeply attached to as a child. Alternatively,
you may have concerns over the physical structure of your home, and need
to fix parts, especially in regard to pipes, ducts, plumbing or the
In another manifestation, there is a good chance you may decide to
move or need to say goodbye to your childhood home. Financial matters of
debt, credit, loans, inheritance, child support, court settlements,
investments, venture capital and other money matters outside of salary
may come up too. If you have a pressing need to settle a home-related
matter, you will find exceptional help from the new moon 11 January.
Being that Pluto will be, at times, in harsh angle to your Sun in
coming years (Pluto is set to stay until 2024), you may find Pluto
imposes difficult trails at times, but if you work with Pluto, the
insights you gain will lead you to a new and transformed place of the
mind and heart. Libra with birthdays that fall between 1 and 5 October
are now feeling this trend the most now, in 2013.
If you have a September birthday, you already felt this trend. Pluto
takes 248 years to circle the Sun, so Pluto will not be back to your
home and family sector again in your lifetime. Those with a birthday
that fall later than 5 October will feel this influence in future years,
not quite as directly now in 2013.
Despite the antics of Uranus and Pluto, times are changing, and you have many reasons to be in high spirits in 2013.
During the first half of the year, from 1 January until 25 June,
Jupiter, the good fortune planet, will remain in Gemini, a fellow air
sign, and will bring you exciting opportunities to travel abroad or to
work in an international arena. Your mind will be curious and open to
new ideas and concepts, and you will start to see life in grandest,
panoramic scale. Later, after this trend passes, you may wonder why you
had approached life so marginally in the past. This trend started in
June 2012 last year, but Jupiter went retrograde just as he was starting
to create a momentum in you. No worries – Jupiter will turn on full
power and go direct on 30 January of this year, and from then until 25
June, you will be moving at the speed of light.
The ninth house, being filled with Jupiter’s light is a very special,
quite intellectual part of the chart. It is the area that takes in
information and understanding through foreign travel, international
work, or through study at university level. Jupiter almost always not
only encourages international travel, but also provides the means to
You may go because of your work, that you won a contest and can go,
or because you found a fantastic package price that is too good to
resists. Think of where you’d love to go, and choose a city you’ve never
seen. The experience would do you a world of good. Go before Jupiter
leaves Gemini, 25 June. Actually mid-February, near Valentine’s Day, or
in June would be the ideal time to spread your wings.
The ancient astrologers felt global travel was on a par with study in
the college classroom and we see how wise they were to think that way.
This is also the area information is debated and distributed, through
publishing broadcasting and through legal debate, in the courts. While
you have Jupiter in your ninth house, you will gain from going back to
the university, or to set up international relationships. As you may
have guessed, publishing and broadcasting projects will glow for you,
and by filing with the courts system (whether that be a patent,
trademark or a case, as three examples).
Jupiter will be in its ideal place for you, in Gemini until 25 June.
While Jupiter spends time in Gemini, your health will improve too, for
Jupiter in “trine” angle to your Sun is considered one of the finest for
encouraging vitality.
You will enjoy other side bonuses to Jupiter in Gemini too. You will
notice you are mingling with high level VIPs this year, and you may make
the acquaintance of dignitaries in government, in universities, in the
courts, such as distinguished judges. In industry, you may meet big name
writers, bureau chiefs and editors or TV executives, hosts and
executive producers. The people you meet this year will help you think
critically and to see things in their grandest manifestation.
You have a five-star day coming up in regard to the areas I have been
discussing, and it will happen when the Sun and Jupiter meet in
conjunction on 19 June. It is the luckiest day of the year, and one of
your friends may turn out to be instrumental in the good things that
happen on this day.
This would be a superb day to travel overseas, to have contact with
the courts, to take on a legal negotiation, to take a major qualifying
exam, to defend a thesis, or to apply for a visa, green card or deal
with immigration. If you hope to write a book, use this day to submit
your query to an editor, or a broadcasting idea to an executive.
Once Jupiter enters Cancer, your house of honors, awards, and
achievement on 25 June, to stay 12 months, you’ll have your chance to
move up in status in your career. This is a once-in-12-year trend, and
one you will find very gratifying, for it has the power to reward you
for a decade of hard work. The more carefully you prepare for Jupiter’s
arrival in late June, the more impressive your ascent to a high-status
spot in your industry will be. You will have a full 12 months to take
advantage, from 25 June 2013 to 16 July 2014.
This year, the new moon of 8 July (plus two weeks) will be your
signal to become assertive about aiming for that top professional spot,
and although you will encounter stiff competition, if you have properly
prepared for your new position, you will prevail.
Financially, you may be tight, as Saturn has now moved into your
earned income sector (commonly known as salary). This may surprise you
as you likely won’t have any difficulty being awarded the top position,
but the salary seems not to be commensurate with the duties. For now, it
will be this way. You will find that employers seem unwilling to part
with generous salaries, and it seems anywhere you go, the situation will
be the same.
Going from place to place to interview for a continual stream of new
positions and interviews won’t help much because this is all due to
Saturn, teaching you to do more with less. You may cut waste and bargain
more effectively to get a good price for high-ticket items. This
position of Saturn is not nearly as severe as what you’ve come through,
and you have to trust this is true. Consider the possibility that you
will emerge from the coming nearly three years with Saturn in Scorpio,
until September 2015, with a cosmic MBA degree in finance. You seem to
have your best opportunity to raise your income at the eclipse 3
November and the days that follow.
In love, February will bring divinely inspired influences from
several sources. To get you in the right mood for love, the universe
will have Mars, the energy planet, light your love sector from 25
December 2012 to 1 February 2013, making you feel extra-sexy and
Next, your ruler, Venus, will move into your true love sector from 1 -
25 February – another amazing sign that planets will work together to
help you find true love. Start to circulate, and be optimistic. Yet,
hold on, for the best is yet to come.
Your biggest moment for finding new love or to grow the love you
have now will be the new moon of 9 February (operative for two weeks).
It’s not a perfect new moon, but it should show you pleasing results.
You will be very magnetic in the first two months of 2013 – quite
irresistible. The people you meet, the actions you take will have the
power to affect your entire year to come. It’s a special moment, dear
Another possible landmark day for love will be 28 May, when Venus,
your ruler, will conjoin fortunate Jupiter. Plan something special!
Later, two consecutive full moons in Aquarius, 22 July and 20 August,
may tickle you pink. All year, your possibilities for finding love will
be strong, but those dates should be your very best.
I suppose I should warn you not to travel or have big plans to do
something special during the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve
as severe cosmic storms will be passing through and cause a series of
upsets. The new moon of 17 December will urge you to travel, but resist,
as the new moon be troublesome, as will Uranus. If you want to ring in
the New Year in style, plan a celebration at home with close friends for
best results.
This will be a landmark year for you, for Saturn, the planet that
shows us how to become more mature, no matter what our age happens to
be, has just entered Scorpio last October for the first time in 29
years. In the time Saturn will spend with you, from now until September
2015, he show you that you have much greater inner strength inside than
you ever supposed you had. This ‘tough-love” planet teaches by
presenting a series of challenges that are completely within your
ability to solve, but that will take a bit of thinking to decide how
should be best approached.
When you going through a series of ‘Saturn years’ (that is, when
Saturn makes a rare visit to your sign) many feel as though they are
walking over a threshold to a completely new area of life. You may
decide to do something completely new to you: to go back to college for
an advanced degree, get married, have your first baby, or write a book.
You take on a very responsible position, or go out on your own and open
your own company. If you are very young, you may move into your first
apartment, or if more grown up, you may buy your first house, condo or
vacation home. You may stay at the residence you are in now, move
cross-country, or take the leap to live overseas.
Whatever you choose to do, it will be very new to you, and you will
need to solicit the advice of friends and experts to made your dream a
reality. After you are involved in working toward your goal, and you
achieve it, it would be something you to that could not easily “undo”
later – and that’s precisely what attracts you. Saturn rules the concept
of time, and when we have Saturn in the solar first house, as you will
now in coming years, you will notice the passage of time, and want to
create a feeling of long-term security and stability to your life.
The goal you choose now will form one of the pillars that hold up the
very foundations of your life. If you feel a twinge of self-doubt as
you begin, that’s normal – Saturn rules fear, but only initially, until
you come to see that don’t really need to know all the right answers,
but rather, you only need to have the right questions. At least one
older, more experienced person will be on hand to help you navigate the
way toward your new goal, and later, as you become more comfortable with
all you have to do, you may say, “Thank you so much, but you can go
now…” but that person will stay until he or she is absolutely sure you
can get along fine without them.
The goal you work on in the coming nearly three years will not be
forced upon you unwillingly but something you choose to take on. Saturn
does not work quite like the other planets, and certainly is not like
Uranus, which tends to strike suddenly, without warning. Rather, Saturn
gives you time to consider your feelings and consider the scope of the
responsibility you are taking on.
Chances are very strong that you will take on the new challenge
because it will allow you to enjoy such powerful long term, back-end
benefits once you master the goal. This is an important point: Saturn
never rewards WHILE he is testing your mettle, but only AFTER he departs
Scorpio. In September 2015, or a few months beyond, Saturn will leaves a
gift by the door for dealing so willingly with his vigorous training.
If you watched your Libra friends cope with Saturn, you may have the
jitters. There is no need to feel that way. Libra had a very severe test
from Saturn that was not at all typical, because at the very same time,
Uranus and Pluto were in harsh angle to Libra too. Poor Libra must have
felt like a whole gang of planets had jumped them at once. That rare
circumstance was true for Libra, but it will not be for you. Libra
suffered from a confluence of planets working at odds with Saturn in
their sign.
With three difficult planets (2008-2012), and a series of angry
eclipses in Cancer-Capricorn (2009-2011) working at odds with Libra at
nearly the same time, Libra did not know which planet was causing which
difficulties. In fact, Uranus and Pluto are still in harsh angle to some
Libra of certain birthdays, as well as to the other cardinal signs of
Aries, Cancer and Capricorn. Fortunately, with Saturn and the eclipses
in new signs, things are improving for Libra too.
Nothing similar is going to happen to you. As a matter of fact, you
also have Jupiter coming to your aid later in the year, when Jupiter
will enter fellow-water sign Cancer, starting 25 June and continuing for
twelve months. That is something you and I will talk about later. This
substantial help, as Jupiter is the planet of good fortune and
You do have a new series of eclipses coming up in Scorpio and Taurus,
and those will focus your attention and clarify your relationship to an
one important person in your life, most likely a romantic partner, or
may refer to a key business alliance. The first eclipse in this series
already occurred on 13 November 2012 and affected those Scorpios with
birthdays that fall within five days of that date. That was a new moon,
and so it may have swept out the past, and offered you new opportunities
for the future. Every eclipse is tied to the previous one in some way,
and builds on the decisions or news you heard at the last one.
Often we view ourselves in an outdated light, and so part of the job
of an eclipse is to force us to see ourselves in a new, more accurate
form. Eclipses in Scorpio will accomplish that and more, for their
presence seems to point to a new chapter that is starting, or finishing,
The new eclipses in Scorpio-Taurus in 2013 include three: a full moon
lunar eclipse on 25 April in Scorpio, a new moon solar eclipse in your
opposite sign of Taurus, 9 May, and a new moon solar eclipse 3
November, the best one, in Scorpio.
Eclipses in this Scorpio-Taurus series will continue to 23 October
2014, but next year, only two more to go, so this won’t be a long,
difficult trend by any means. Most people experience eight eclipses in a
series; you will only have six, and one was finished in 2012. Let’s
look at the coming eclipses 2013.
Eclipses shake us up, pull us out of our complacency, and force us to
see the world with a new pair of glasses, giving your view greater
accuracy. Astrologers know to look at past cycles of eclipses that were
similar for clues to the future, so the last time eclipses came by in
Scorpio and Taurus, it was 1994. If you look back to that year you may
see a prominent themes that came up.
Of the three, the first will be the most difficult, 25 April 2013.
Saturn will oppose the Sun, Mars and Venus and conjoin the moon,
indicating that news will be revealed, and you will need to make a
serious decision involving a romantic or business relationship. It is
alternatively possible that a competitor or critic will confront you.
Thank goodness, Pluto will be friendly, and being that Pluto is your
ruler, this is helpful. There is no doubt this eclipse will bring up
difficult news, but Pluto will give you the articulate words and clear
thinking you will need to move forward.
The 9 May eclipse brings four planets to Taurus, which will bring
another decision regarding a person close to you, possibly the same one,
but at this time you will be less emotional and more sure of your path
ahead. You will be practical, realistic and earthy at the time. You may
decide to get engaged or marry, or you may break up. Perhaps such
opposite possible results surprises you, but in the case of all
eclipses, the outcome depends on how the relationship has been going
along all along.
There are elements to this eclipse that suggest you may be given a
generous financial compensation in a lump sum payment, but the terms or
the facts surrounding the deal seem unclear or that someone tried to
obfuscate, so don’t agree to a deal too quickly. You won’t have control,
not with so many planets opposite your Sun, so your best tactic is to
diplomatically negotiate.
Keep in mind that the job of an eclipse is to get progress, so you
will soon see that you cannot continue the status quo. Once you make a
decision you cannot go back – the bridge across the ravine will collapse
behind you once you get to the other side. If you find you don’t like
the changes you see once there, you can make more changes up ahead, but
the option to go back will not be possible.
Once you get to the 3 November new moon solar eclipse, things improve
enormously, for finally you will have the control you lacked earlier,
in late April and May. You can now call the shots, with far less
compromise. This time your two rulers will help you, Mars and Pluto, so
you will feel less jittery as you announce plans for you will know our
own mind, and being that this is a solar eclipse, you will begin going
along a new path. Neptune, the planet of creativity, will signal
Mercury, so ideas may spring forth too, and so you seem to end the year
on a much more positive note. The work you do earlier in the year to
decide on the relationship in question appears to put you on this better
While the eclipses will center attention on a previously made
commitment in love or business, if you are seeking new love, you will be
in an enviable position all year. Late February and March to be
positively stellar months for love. Mars will tour your fifth house of
true love from 1 February to 11 March, raising your profile and
magnetising others to you. Few can resist the gaze of the Scorpio, for
you are sexy when you are barely trying – others say it comes from
supreme confidence in yourself, and they may be right. If you crave more
attention from your partner, you will be showered with it this year,
making you more charming and flirtatious. If you ever felt overlooked or
a bit invisible on the dating scene, that won’t happen now.
Just as Mars is to leave, miraculously, the most important event
comes next: new moon in your romance sector will arrive on 11 March.
This is a once-a-year event that portends much happiness. It represents
your best moment of the year for sparking the flame of love in the two
weeks that follows. This new moon will bring with it a crown of stars –
six heavenly bodies in Pisces – in your house of true love, which is
more than half the solar system in one small part of your chart. This is
extraordinary energy, and you’ve not seen ANYTHING like it in recent
years. If you hope to meet someone new, step out from 11-20 March. If
you are in love, you can find many ways to bring new excitement to your
Meanwhile, Neptune, the inspirational, spiritual, and sentimental
planet, arrived in Pisces last year, in February 2012, to live in this
same sector of love until 2026. This is the first time Neptune has
toured Pisces, the sign it rules, since 1847 to 1862, the age of
Romanticism and the Victorian Age. Neptune in Pisces has the power to
take the joy of Venus to an unfathomably deep level, into the realm
where you would be willing to sacrifice your own desires for your
beloved’s benefit.
There will be more excitement in mid-July! The powerhouse outer
planets of Neptune, Jupiter, and Saturn are each in water signs like
yours and will form a rare, glittering golden triangle in the sky, to
bring happiness, stability, and opportunity to your love life on 16-17
July, but you will feel the magnificent glow of this rare planetary
harmony in the heavens from the start of June through the first week of
All year, the good fortune planet, Jupiter, will stand guard over
you, and help you in many ways. The first months of the year, until 25
June, you will have the Midas touch with banks, venture capitalists and
the courts, You may be awarded or approved quite a bit of money in the
first half of 2013, particularly in after the new moon 8 June, or on the
most fortunate day of the year, 18 June (plus or minus one day).
Your best career month will occur first, while Mars tours your lofty
sector of honors, awards and achievement from 29 August to 15 October.
That period will allow you to survey the marketplace and let it be known
you are available candidate for a position of status. You will need a
new moon to unlock the goodies of all that portends for you and you will
have it, 6 August. There is no doubt that you should not be on vacation
in August – too much will be happening for you! Earlier, the date
mentioned earlier, 18-19 June should also be a stellar day for career
In matters of health, you will have to treat yourself with kindness
for you will be under an energy drain with Saturn in Scorpio. This
configuration portends fatigue and a need for more sleep. If you feel
weak, see a doctor, and ask your doctor if you should have your
hemoglobin tested. You will need to follow your doctor’s advice to the
letter this year, with no cheating, as Saturn likes to see you follow
all the rules to the letter.
Starting 25 June, Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will move into
Cancer, to say until 16 July 2014, and in this rare position, will
support all your needs. You will get a chance to travel to exciting
locations overseas or partake of university study under this broadening
influence. Publishing and broadcasting opportunities will shine
Dear Scorpio, no matter what your social status, married or single,
while you will have certain life adjustments to make, overall, you
certainly do have a dazzling year ahead.
Life certainly has been a series of surprises for you, dear
Sagittarius. You have been subject to a number of eclipses in
Sagittarius and Gemini in 2011 and 2012, so you may have undergone a
number of major lifestyle changes and adjustments. Eclipses come in
pairs, in signs always opposite, 180 degrees from the other, on the
creaky old horoscope wheel. They arrive every six months, two weeks
apart, always falling on a new or full moon. Their job is to illuminate
certain truths suddenly that have remained hidden, or to provide sudden
opportunity. An eclipse is very powerful, for they have the strength of
three new or full moons rolled into one.
Eclipses will always insist on a response when they touch the degrees
of your birthday Sun. You would not feel every eclipse in the series,
only the ones that fall within five days of your birthday or the ones
exactly opposite your birthday (in your case, an eclipse in late May or
June, within five days opposed from your birth date).
As a Sagittarius, no doubt you’ve remained unflappable and optimistic
that things will go your way. No matter what came up, even if news was
dire you have a way of knowing you can turn things around and make
things work for you. Of all the signs, yours is said to have the
sunniest disposition, so your cheery attitude has a way of becoming a
kind of self-fulfilling prophecy. The funny thing is, a good things keep
happening to you, even while others around you are acting like Chicken
Little, screaming in fear that the sky is about to fall. Jupiter, the
planet of good fortune, rules your sign, and accounts for this perennial
happy attitude of yours.
Some eclipses are naughty and some are nice. One that was truly chock
full of deliciously good news was the most recent lunar eclipse this
series so far, a full moon lunar eclipse on 28 November 2012 in Gemini.
If your birthday falls within five days of that date, you may have
benefited from very good news.
Here is a list of all the eclipses so far in the Sagittarius-Gemini
series for you to see, as some of these dates will resound as having
been important to you. The first fell 21 December 2010. Then, in 2011: 1
June, 15 June, 15 November, and 10 December, 2011. Last year, in 2012:
20 May, 4 June and the one just mentioned, a friendly one of 28
November. An eclipse often delivers news within the week it arrives, or a
month to the day earlier, or a month to the day later plus or minus
five days.
You have one more eclipse left in the series, the last and ninth
eclipse (that is a lot for any series-nine!), and it will be a fairly
friendly full moon lunar eclipse, 25 May, 2013 in Sagittarius, affecting
those born at the end of November. Jupiter will conjoin Venus and
Mercury, which in itself is golden. The moon and Sun will be in bad
angle to Neptune, however, and with Uranus and Pluto in hard angles, you
must not do any speculation involving money as you could suffer loss.
If you are careful, you will use the elegant aspects from Jupiter – good
news coming in through phone or courier, possible fine developments in
love, commitment and creativity.
After that, life will settle down until the next series in
Sagittarius-Gemini come back in 2020 and 2021. This last eclipse may
bring a question as to whether to marry your partner, or if you are not
happy, to move on. The choice will be yours, but avoid making a snap
decision near the eclipse, as Neptune will be in hard angle to the Sun
and may cloud your judgment. This is a full moon, so a great deal of
information will come to light.
That eclipse not withstanding, you have the most superb marriage
aspects possible of the whole zodiac. You have Jupiter, the giver of
gifts and luck, now visiting your seventh house commitment for the first
time since mid-2000 to mid-2001. Your overwhelming advantage in matters
of marriage will last until 25 June 2013. If you are not dating anyone
special, you may use this lovely aspect for collaboration in a business
instead, with equally fine results.
If you are currently married now, you will find your partner does
well this year, and that you will benefit from your partner as a result.
As one example, you may travel far and wide together to a location new
to both of you and in so doing strengthen your bond together.
If you are single and hoping to find someone new to love, Mars, the
planet ruling your fifth house of love, will light your romantic house
from 11 March to 20 April making that period outstanding for finding
On 6 April, Venus will meet her lover, Mars, four days earlier and
still be close enough to bring vibrant color to the new moon, 10 April.
This pairing is considered the most magnetic aspect possible for setting
off the spark of love. Venus and Mars will be in the ideal sign, Aries,
and be in your house of romance, a wonderful coincidence. To have Venus
and Mars together is rare enough, but to have them meet in Aries in
your romance sector is even more so, not to happen again until 2015. The
universe is going out of its way for you in March and April, and the
events then could set the momentum for the rest of the year. Yet,
incredibly, there’ll be more!
The new moon will be the most important of the year for you to
welcome love in your life. Single Sagittarius will find this time to be
amazingly special for meeting an intriguing person within the two weeks
that follow. You are more likely to meet the One in a social setting,
like a party, rather than at work. Attached Sagittarius can rekindle
excitement in a present relationship. This new moon will also be very
encouraging for welcoming a baby to your family. What will make this new
moon a five-star event is that Uranus will be in positive angle, and
very active, causing lots of surprises and unusual events – perfect sign
that loves adventure.
You have even more encouragement! Last October, Saturn has left the
difficult place it had been visiting for three years, your eleventh
house of hopes and wishes, last October. During that time, you may have
moved or changed your lifestyle in other ways that made it hard for you
to make new friends, Or you may have feel an obligation to be with one
friend who was having a tough time and you were with her to offer
Saturn often asks for sacrifices, or to delay gratification on a
desire, and being that Saturn was based in the very house where your
deepest desires are located, you may have simply put off attending to
building a rich personal life until you reached another better phase. A
planet in one house will often “ping” energy into the house opposite on
the horoscope wheel, which is your house of true love, which explains
why you may have found your emotional life to have been disappointing
recently (if that is true for you).
Now that Saturn has left Libra and your eleventh house, your romantic
and social life will pick up beautifully. This is especially likely now
with so much support from Uranus, Mars, Venus and Mars, all working
together like loving little relatives who want to see you matched up and
Jupiter was touring your marriage sector, so while this trend will be
more helpful to those seriously interested in getting married to their
steady partner, single people will benefit too. Single Sagittarians will
more likely to focus on dating marriageable types – partners who
realistically can be brought home to meet your mother and father. It
will be someone with a steady paycheck, a loving attitude and a desire
for a family. No more dating hopeful rock stars!
You have Uranus, planet of surprise, touring your love sector too,
and Uranus will remain in Aries, and this solar fifth house of love,
until March 2019. (Uranus first moved into this area in March 11, 2011.)
This is the first time in 84 years that Uranus has been in your true
love sector, so the experience is new to you. Known for his lightening
blot, unexpected bolts of news, Uranus can give a positive or negative
vibration, depending on how it relates to other planets.
This year, you need to enter into a new relationship slowly, as
Uranus and Pluto will be at odds. Under no circumstances should you mix
money with a lover – and that includes sharing household expenses. It’s
too risky to do, now through March 2015, a long time. A child – yours,
or your lover’s – may cause high expenses too this year, so be sure to
keep money set aside to care for your child if this turns out to be the
way the clash between Pluto and Uranus manifests for you.
Now let’s turn to the activities of Jupiter in the second half of the
coming year. It is important to keep track of Jupiter, for this planet
is your ruling star, and his activities will have a powerful affect on
you. Jupiter will move into your eighth house of other people’s money
when it enters Cancer to stay for an entire year, from 25 June 2013 to
16 July 2014. This will bring a boon to your finances, the likes of
which you’ve not seen in years!
The kind of money that you will likely receive will come in one large
bundle, not parsed out in regular payments like salary. It may come as
a loan or venture capital investment, a mortgage or refinancing plan
with great terms, a bonus or large commission / royalty check, a
windfall from an inheritance or prize winning, or a settlement in a
divorce or other court case, as a few examples. Certainly you will do
well in the second half, and that will allow you to lower debt and
possibly put aside a nest egg.
Finally, let’s turn to Saturn, which since October is now set to
spend three years in Scorpio, in your twelfth house of confinement. This
is considered an excellent placement for creating high productivity
when working alone, behind closed doors, in solitude. Sagittarius is
know to be the master storyteller who turns out blockbuster novels and
screenplays, so if you have a book or screenplay you’d like to write in
the coming three years you should begin immediately to sit down and do
it. The same timing is true for you if you have to research and write a
thesis, conduct a scientific experiment, or to work on any other
creative idea, this is your time.
In the coming three years, until September 2015, you will work toward
ending one cycle and get ready to being a new one. Saturn will settle
into Sagittarius in September 2013, and at that time you will choose to
tackle a challenging new life goal that has powerful ability to offer
you greater security and possibly greater earning ability.
For now, Saturn in the twelfth house is a mild influence, so enjoy
the time you will have to work quietly on a project that is important to
you. You won’t be blown off course by sudden events like you have so
frequently experienced during the years of the Gemini-Sagittarius
eclipses. With only one more eclipse to go at the end of May (and no
more due in your sign until 2020), you can rest, set your priorities,
and map out the strategy to reach your dearest goals. It’s certainly an
exciting time to be a Sagittarius!
The year starts off on a grand note. January brings a crown of stars
in Capricorn, a rare occurrence, on the new moon 11 January, a perfect
time to kick off a new initiative for your birthday year ahead. You will
have authority, enthusiasm and charisma, so you certainly will find
that others will want to follow you anywhere. For the first time in a
long time, you are feeling outstandingly optimistic, and rightly so.
Cardinal signs, like yours – Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn – have
not had an easy time over past years. Many of the big outer planets are
in conflicting cardinal signs, and almost all have been in hard angle to
your Sun. This brings challenges, but this also sharpens the mind. When
you enter times of ease, the mind grows dull, but in times that planets
clang against one another the mind becomes quite keen and resourceful,
and the body very energised and agile.
The years 2008 to 2012 may have been very difficult, because in 2008
Pluto entered Capricorn, in 2011, Uranus entered Aries, and from 2009 to
2011 the eclipses in Cancer-Capricorn. None of these placements were
friendly, and regarding the eclipses, one that appeared at the end of
December 2009 seemed particularly troublesome. You may have been at wits
end as continual changes pounced just when you never expected anything
out of the ordinary to happen.
The fact that Saturn left your tenth house of fame and honors in
early October 2012, after three years of continual career testing, is
wonderful news. During that period, you began to see you had to change
the way you approached your profession if you were to conform to a
rapidly changing marketplace. Competition started to become stiff, so
you almost had to find ways to expand your skills, and to meet
ever-higher new standards.
You may have felt a bit on display over the past three years, for you
may have sensed that influential bosses were watching you. If so, you
would be right. You were being given a chance to reinvent yourself in a
powerfully important way, and experienced executives were on hand to
teach you the ropes of your new role. Those ‘helpful’ executives were
often critical so it’s not likely you looked forward to having them
around, but thinking back, you did need them there, for it likely took
you at least two years (if not more time) to fully master your new
position. You had much to learn.
Sometimes a challenging trend like the one you went through can be
frustrating. You might have been assigned to a division of your company
where you did not feel welcome by your new boss, or, the economic
environment may have made it nearly Now that Saturn has orbited out of
your tenth house of career, you should find greater opportunity from now
on, and at the same time, you may now have ideas of new ways you can
use your present skills, in a different type of job. Saturn will not be
back to the place he had occupied, in Libra, until late 2039.
You have completed your test, and Saturn always leaves a gift by the
door when the period is over and if you have not seen evidence of
reward, you soon will, possibly by end of March, if not much sooner.
Now let’s turn to Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, now in Gemini,
and seeing to it that you get all the plum assignments – ones that will
lead you to more and better projects in the future. If you are in your
own business, you will find it fairly easy to bring in new lucrative
clients. You are not the same person you were three years ago for have
gained maturity and mastery over your work, an attractive quality that
will impress perspective new clients. You may also generate more work
from existing clients, so get busy and start pitching.
You may want to note a wonder day for your career, 28 May, when
Venus, the planet that rules your house of fame and honors, will conjoin
Jupiter. This should bring an exciting professional breakthrough. It’s a
five-star day, so plan a career initiation.
June should be spectacular to land a stellar project too, first
because of the encouraging new moon in your work-a-day sector, 8 June
plus two weeks and also for another reason. The actions you take after a
positive new moon can affect you for a full 12 months after it appears,
until the next new moon has time to come back in the same part of the
Within that period – your super lucky month of June – watch for the
powerful day, 19 June, your luckiest day of the year, when Jupiter,
planet of good fortune, will meet with the mighty Sun. You are likely to
negotiate a fine fee too, as the Sun rules your house of other people’s
money. On 19 June, plus or minus one day, you may get a big commission
check, large line of credit from the bank or other windfall that makes
you smile. If you have your own business, you would be wise to plan an
advertising or publicity campaign (or both) for end of May into the
first three weeks of June for great results.
In terms of health, the place that Jupiter in Gemini will visit will
also help you become healthy in the year ahead. This is because the
sixth house governs both work projects AND the steps we use to prevent
illness and become strong. The first house of your horoscope rules
vitality – you have Pluto, planet of regeneration there – so your powers
of recuperation and regeneration are now stronger than ever, and will
remain so until Pluto leaves Capricorn in 2024. Be sure to get all types
of medical exams while you have Jupiter in your sixth house of health
until 25 June this year. You’ll have to wait until 2024 to have this
brand of sensational assistance from Jupiter again. Jupiter is
considered the great healer, and if ill, you can locate a distinguished
doctor who understands your condition if you are willing to do all the
right research – do, for you have the potential for so much good.
Jupiter will have another gift for you in matters of health—it is a
prime position for finding a way to lose weight by learning new eating
habits and following a sensible exercise routine. Make a plan you will
find fun to follow, and to get motivated, pick up some new exercise
Pets are governed by the sixth house, which is currently being so
blessed by Jupiter, so if you were thinking of adding a little furry
creature to your household, the time to go down to the animal shelter
would be during the first six months of 2013, prior to 25 June. Avoid
all the Mercury retrograde periods, 23 February to 17 March; 26 June to
20 July; and 21 October to 10 November. Follow these rules, and you will
have the perfect pet for you.
Admittedly, in the coming year, one area of possible tension will
relate to your home or to a family member, in this case most likely a
parent. You are currently hosting Uranus, the planet of unexpected
developments, in your fourth house of home, and this is where your major
life changes may be focused. You may move quite suddenly or a parent
may need your assistance quite out of the blue.
Your decisions about your career in 2013 will need to be filtered by
who is at home and what is happening there, or if you need to move, by
housing opportunities in a new locale.
These questions are very likely to come up at an extremely tense full
moon in Libra, 27 March, plus or minus four days. Things seem to be
going haywire at this time, and try as you may, it may be impossible to
control everything that is short.
Two weeks later, 10 April, a crown of stars will twinkle in your home
and family sector, namely, Uranus, Mars, Venus, the new moon and Sun.
This is extraordinary energy to be focused on your home, and it may help
you to settle any dilemma that relates to this part of your life.
Mars will come in to help you sort out your home-related options
quickly starting 12 March and continuing until 20 April. The new moon is
the most important of the year for you and falls in the center of Mars’
visit to your home sector, a good sign that you will find solutions.
You have a troublesome eclipse coming up 18 October, one of the most
tense of the year (in addition to the rocky full moon 27 April, not an
eclipse). If you have to make plans, you will be wise to finish things
off in April than to wait until later in 2013. At that time you will get
the most settled options for long-term gain.
Your meditation about your home or family member has caused you
jitters for a long time, ever since Uranus entered this part of your
chart, on 11 March 2011. Although this focus on home and family is not
new, it likely does not make dealing with whatever comes up any easier.
Uranus will continue to orbit slowly through your home sector until
March 2019. Don’t worry, however, for you would not feel Uranus’
presence the whole time, but only when Uranus moves over a critical
degree in your Sun or other planet. For example, in 2013, Uranus will
move through 4 and 13 degrees of Aries, affecting those Capricorns who
have birthdays that fall between 25 December and 3 January.
While Uranus can create havoc at times, you will have strokes of luck
too. In addition to the dates named, especially mid-March to mid-April,
and particularly just after 10 April, 4 August, and 30 November as some
Now let’s turn to your social life, which will also have many
opportunities to shine. Saturn is your ruler, so it’s an important
planet to note, as it’s conversations with other planets always will
have a greater than usual affect on you over others in the zodiac. Over
the past three years, Saturn occupied an ‘angle’ (angles are the north,
south, east, west points of the chart) and those points are considered
ferociously energetic, demanding and exhausting – that describes your
experience in your career since late 2009.
Now, Saturn is in your eleventh house of friendship, hopes and
wishes, and you may now take much of what you learned in your career and
apply it to a charity, humanitarian effort, or other community
function. You may work very hard on this project, but even so, if you
do, you will have plenty to show for it.
The eleventh house is the place in the horoscope that shows
compassion for groups who desperately need your kind attention. You may
do something on a small scale, such as to sign up for a 5K run for the
cure, or something much larger, where you manage to raise quite a bit of
money for a charity dear to you. The process of being involved in a
group will help you develop your managerial skills to more
sophisticated, and later, you will be able to apply what you learned to
your job.
On an individual level, you may find that one friend needs your
assistance and fine advice at some important point between now and the
end of Saturn’s visit in September 2015. This would not be a matter of
simply dropping by a friend to say hello, but rather, one of helping a
friend make it thorough a crisis.
Saturn often calls for a generous attitude or sacrifice, and here you
may give freely of your time and energy, and give up carefree
activities to help your friend. While you are helping your friend, your
friend will be helping you too, by helping you to grow into a more kind
and compassionate person that you know yourself to be. Your friend will
reveal the meaning of friendship to you, at the very point you are
fulfilling that truth to him or her. This may sound mystical, but as
you go through the process, you will immediately understand how this
works, and how your character is benefiting. It is one of the magical
truths of life that it is impossible to help another without helping
ourselves at the very same time.
In your everyday life, you may have a learning process about social
media, for the eleventh house rules this part of your life too. You will
have to be careful not to over-share information, for once ‘out there’
it will be impossible to take comments back. Another possible difficulty
with Saturn in the eleventh house is that you may find it a little hard
to make new friends. If so, you will have to extend yourself just a
little more to cultivate new people, especially if you move to a new
location, which is possible this year. Compared with what you had dealt
with earlier, when Saturn was in Libra, these challenges will be easier
to resolve.
Now let’s turn to romance, especially if you are single and looking
for love. You may have met someone during the period of January through
mid-June of last year, 2012, and if so, it was a very fortunate period
to meet – if you are still together, wonderful. Indeed, that was a
special period.
The year 2013 starts out on a great note. As mentioned at the start
of your report, January brings many planets in Capricorn, and puts you
in the spotlight. At the new moon in your sign, 10 January, you have
Venus, Pluto, Mercury, the Sun and new moon all standing behind you,
increasing your charisma, and making others notice you and want to hear
all you have to say. It’s certainly a time to circulate – this is your
month, when you will find many things going your way. You often put the
needs of family and friends ahead of your own, but in January,
particularly directly after the new moon 10 January, it’s time to think
about you, if only for a few weeks. You do deserve some ‘me’ time and
what better time to devote time to yourself than in birthday month?
Venus in Capricorn from 3 January to 1 February will add to your
ability to hypnotise almost anyone in your path, and also makes it an
ideal time to upgrade your appearance. Venus will see to it that you
gather many compliments if you do!
For single Capricorns, Mars will be a big help to you from 20 April
through 31 May in bringing on an introduction to someone new and
Two weeks later, in the new moon solar eclipse Taurus on 9 May may
bring an important suitor. Apparently, May will be your most important
month of the year to find true love, so it may be a good time to take a
vacation to a spot nearby where you might meet an intriguing partner who
is available too. It's a month sure to be filled with joy and
excitement, for May seems tailor made for you. If you decide you are
dating someone not right for you, you may leave in May, but I do not see
you sad. You'd be using your brilliant as diamonds aspects in the way
that is the very best for you.
If you hope for a baby, you have your best chances for conception
early in the year: after the new moon in Taurus, 9 May (ideal), and
earlier, the new moon in Capricorn, 11 January, and the new moon in
Pisces, 11 March. Add, too, the new moon in Cancer, 8 July. In each
case, add two weeks after the date noted.
On 25 June, Jupiter will enter Cancer and brighten your marriage
sector for a year’s time. That means that during the coming year,
Jupiter will make it the very best time in over a decade for you to wed.
If you are dating someone seriously, you may make a commitment any time
in the second half of 2013, most likely in late December, right in time
for the holidays. If you are already in a serious, established
relationship, you will benefit from your partner in a big way.
This sounds wonderful! In the end, you may agree, that all that really matters in this world is love, sweet love.
The happiest part of 2013 will occur during the first six months of
2013. Last year, the good fortune planet, Jupiter, entered Gemini last
year in June 2012, lighting your house of true love, and began to
encourage you to create a richer, happier love life. This was likely
surprising news to you, because from 2009 to late 2012, as an Aquarius,
you had been so consumed with managing challenging financial matters
that it was exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, to focus fully on
love during that time. Now, your chances have never been better for
meeting the love of your life, or to take your existing romantic
relationship to a new level of closeness and vibrancy.
Last 11 June, when Jupiter first entered your true love sector for
the first time in 12 years, he had just begun to settle in, when, on 5
October, Jupiter went retrograde. When any planet is retrograde, it
emits a weak vibration, so you had to be patient until Jupiter awakened
again to full power.
Jupiter will go direct on 30 January 2013, and from then until 25
June 2013, a period of almost five months, Jupiter will be working
harder for you than ever before in recent memory. It is during that
phase that you need to circulate socially as much as possible. Your
health will be very strong and vibrant in the first half of the year,
for Jupiter will be in the most harmonious angle possible to your Sun, a
‘trine’ (from the world triangle, meaning divine harmony). You may
travel more too, for Jupiter will not only encourage you to travel far
and wide but also give you the means to do so. A dream vacation may be
in the making in June, a spectacular month to go, although April will be
a close runner-up.
You have certainly not had an easy time when it comes to love. The
last time you had Jupiter in Gemini shining his golden light in your
love sector, it was from July 2000 to July 2001. Back then, Saturn, the
‘tough love’ teacher-taskmaster planet, was also in Gemini for a large
part of that period, and, as luck would have it, stole thunder from
Jupiter. Jupiter is a lot like the kindly uncle in the Nutcracker – he
comes bearing treats, money, and gifts for one and all, and wants only
to see you happy, asking nothing in return. He will spoil you with
opportunity and many goodies, but in the background at the time during
the last visit of Jupiter (2000-2001) Saturn was standing in the
background as your stern, demanding teacher, requiring work, not play.
That made Jupiter’s last visit less joyous, and that might be an
understatement. That won’t be your problem now!
Being that Saturn wants to see you industrious and productive, and
being that the fifth house is also the house where your greatest
artistic and creative productivity is found, twelve years ago when
Jupiter last came knocking, you may have directed all of Jupiter’s
golden vibrations into a creative project, or other work assignment that
was consuming your thinking at the time. No doubt that no matter what
you do for a living, back in 2000-2001, you gave a creative spin to the
work at hand.
You may have received many kudos for the projects you turned out at
that time, and you been happy in those years, even romantically, but the
vibrations were severely limited. Without Saturn there to block
Jupiter, you would have less responsibility on your shoulders and you
could have enjoyed life more. Whenever two planets bring conflicting
energies to the very same house of the horoscope, the slower moving
planet wins. Jupiter takes 12 years to circle the Sun, and Saturn, the
slower moving planet, takes 29 years to make the same journey. If
2000-2001 was not the best year to enjoy Jupiter’s cornucopia of
romantic vibrations, would have to go back further, to July 1988-July
1989 to find a year that was powerful for love. I show you these cycles
so you will see how rare and precious the romantic cycle is that you are
about to enjoy.
This year, you will then have your best period for love from 30
January until 25 June, the latter being the date Jupiter will leave
Gemini and your house of true love, not to return until 2024. You see
how important it is for you to use the coming period to socialise, and
to ask friends to make introductions for you. If you are attached, you
can grow closer to your partner by planning special things to do
together, and if you hope for a baby, you have the best chance you have
had for conception.
If you are single, the relationship you start in the first half of
2013, especially in the period mentioned from 30 January to 25 June, has
an excellent chance to remain in your life many years, if not forever.
If you started a new relationship last year, sometime after 11 June, you
also have a good chance of seeing that relationship flourish into
forever, ever love.
After Jupiter leaves your true love sector in June of this year, you
will, of course, have more chances to meet romantic partners in the
coming months and years but love may not happen as easily, and not quite
in the dramatic fashion as it can now.
Take note of several key points for love the first part of 2013
because you will have all Cupid’s little fleet of angels around you, all
with little bows and arrows to help bring your destined lover to you:
First, note the Aquarius new moon 10 February (plus two weeks), sure
to increase charisma. February will be one of your happiest months, for
you will see a new chapter form on a number of fronts. In birthday
month, you can always choose how to direct a new moon’s energy, and it
will be the only time of the year when this option is open to you. You
can use the new moon’s energy to advance your career or income, or, if
single, to strike up a new romantic relationship, or draw closer in your
present union. You can decide to move, or to take an important trip
abroad. Many planets will support you, if you hope for a baby, February
would be ideal month to try for conception.
Venus, the planet of love and beauty, will be in Aquarius at the same
time as this gorgeous new moon, making this period all the more
exciting. Venus will tour Aquarius from 1 February until 25 February.
Mercury, the planet of thinking, perception and communication, will
retrograde on 23 February to 17 March, so you will need to work around
Mercury retrograde periods, for typically we do not make the best
decisions during those phases. Knowing this, keep a distance of days
from 23 February.
Venus in Aquarius is a fantastic time to improve your looks, so do so
in early February while you will have a loving Venus behind you, as
well as the new moon 10 February to boost your favor even more. Book
that expensive salon visit, or buy clothes or jewellery on 9 or 10
February, 13-14 February, or one of your happiest, 18 February. You have
perfect aspects for Valentine’s Day, February 14 this year, so don’t
stay home, even if you don’t have a date! Many people are single without
a partner on this day for lovers, and it can be a wonderful day to
strike up a conversation with someone new that you meet in a restaurant
or party.
Next, circle the golden dates of 26 and 28 May, when first Mercury,
and Venus, respectively, will conjoin lucky Jupiter, respectively. These
days will be made in heaven for you. Add 25 May as special, too. Gemini
is the sign that governs your house of true love, so these days could
bring a fateful meeting, a confession of love, or an engagement or
marriage. Wait! There is more!
The new moon of 8 June should be quite spectacular, for it will light
your house of true love. This new moon is worthy of five-stars, so as
you see, the universe is doing all it can to see you coupled up and
blissfully happy. That new moon comes arm in arm with the Sun and
Jupiter, which is spectacular in its potential to bring life-changing
benefits to you in matters of love, children and creativity. These
elements are not mutually exclusive – you can have one, or all. At the
very same time, a golden triangle will appear to send your career into
magical realms, so you should be very happy in the days that follow 8
June, for so many reasons.
Your luckiest day of the year will produce all kinds of brilliant
romantic fireworks in the evening sky, when the Sun will make his annual
meeting with Jupiter on 19 June. Each year, like two old friends
meeting for an important lunch, they choose a different part of your
horoscope to meet. (Last year they chose to meet in your real estate/
residence/ family sector on 12 May.) This year they have chosen your
house of true love, making your sign the most envied sign of all.
In Brazil, Valentine’s Day is 12 June. I have heard in Brazil, many
people celebrate 12 June AND 14 February, the day the rest of the world
celebrates Valentine’s Day. Good idea. I think every Aquarian in the
world should celebrate both days, because each falls this year near an
exceptionally favorable day for enjoying romance. Dear Aquarius, if you
are single, dating or attached, this is your time to either find the
love of your life or celebrate the love you have found.
you hope for a baby, your best months to try will be just AFTER the
following new moon appears, which will give you two weeks of
opportunity: 10 February, 11 March, 10 April, 9 May and 8 June, one of
your most romantic new moons possible, because the moon, dressed in
white will arrive with her entourage of Jupiter, Mars, the Sun. In
truth, I am splitting hairs, for the first five months of 2013 are quite
spectacular for conception or adoption.
It is vital that you socialise as much as possible during the first
half of 2013, as responsibilities at the office will mount all year.
Certainly, later you won’t find it as easy to schedule carefree fun
after work as you can prior to 25 June.
In terms of your career, you have so much going for you! Saturn, the
planet that teaches the value of hard work, concentration and
dedication, has recently moved into your tenth house of honors, awards,
achievement and fame last October 2012. It is almost impossible to
convey how important this move of Saturn will be for you in the coming
three years. Saturn will show you new ways to develop our expertise and
that you can take on a leadership position in your career. Saturn will
remain with you in your high status career sector until September 2015.
The coming three years won’t be easy, but it will be productive.
Often when Saturn arrives in a certain part of the chart, it means
conditions have changed, and to succeed, a new approach will be
necessary. Deciding on a new way of working in your chosen field will be
a challenge at first, abut through experimentation and some trail and
error, you can hit on the right path to take, so be confident.
With Saturn near, it is very likely that you will be awarded a very
weighty title that represents a substantial growth in status,
responsibility and power. You will have a lot to learn, and you may
wonder if you can handle it al, but the VIPs around you know that you
can, and will. It may be comforting to know that you will have at least
more experienced person near you to help you navigate your way. Saturn
rarely rewards during his visit, but will always do so after his tour of
duty is over. This suggests you will receive your biggest rewards three
years from now, after you have mastered your new role, so have faith.
The eclipses in 2013 are now in Scorpio and Taurus, signs opposite on
the horoscope wheel, and the ones in Scorpio will work to accelerate
changes in your career.
The next eclipse in the series and the first of 2013 will be a full
moon lunar eclipse of 25 April in Scorpio, and will light your
prestigious career sector. The April eclipse will require you make a
serious, practical decision from you, in the light of the news that
comes in at the time. While you will have to acknowledge what is going
on, do not fear that things are all going the wrong way, and you can’t
find a way out. A friendly Jupiter, Uranus, Mars and Venus will support
you, so while this eclipse will be thorny for most people, you will be
in a strong position to find answers.
You stand your best chance of scoring a stunning career victory after
the solar eclipse appears six months later, on 3 November. Again, like
in the earlier eclipse 25 April, Saturn will be prominent, but, as ever
this year and in coming years, in lovely mutual reception to Pluto,
indicating you have help from VIPs who will want to remain anonymous but
who nevertheless will work quietly behind the scenes to see you get
ahead. Keep your eye on the news of 3 November, for that point in the
year will be your most important. The calls you receive are likely to
make you thrilled about your career progress! This year, in all ways,
keep the champagne on ice, dear Aquarius, for you will have so much to
What a dazzling year you have ahead, dear Pisces! You have worked
very hard on your career over the past several years, but now the
universe will give you a solid chance to bring balance, clarity, and
rich, romantic warmth to your personal life. This wonderful development
and will come as a result of a once-in-a-decade visit of good fortune
Jupiter to your home and family sector until 25 June, and later, in the
second half, to Jupiter’s visit to your true love sector during the
second half of 2013.
This year also features a series of months that bring a crown of
stars together in remarkable formation. You need to see these to believe
it, so I will describe them as best as I can. In astrology, the
conjunction is the most powerful of all configurations, for it suggests
that a new cycle is about to start. The next most important, and
heavenly configuration is the golden triangle, and one is about to
appear in the midnight sky later, in July, but be close enough to be
almost perfect in June through early August – and that period will be
simply head-over-heals wonderful. I am getting ahead of myself here, so
let’s go through the year a bit more methodically.
A crown of stars is literally a group of planets in one sign,
clustered in the sky will appear at the new moon 11 January. All will
crowd into your house of true love, and include pretty-me Venus,
powerhouse Pluto, talk-to-me Mercury, along with the mighty Sun and new
moon in Capricorn. While your friends may feel December is their most
social month, for you, it’s sure to be gentle January. Free of the
career pressures you had in December, you will feel fancy free and ready
to dive into the social scene. Friends will have great ideas for you,
and they’ll be thrilled they won’t have to come to pull you away from
your computer and smart phone. Get your wardrobe ready!
Even more extraordinary, you will have an exceedingly rare crown of
stars (planets) in Pisces that will occur at the new moon in Pisces, 11
March. At that time, suddenly the world will crack open up for you like a
big, juicy coconut. Rarely has life been this delicious, and the
opportunity that comes up at that time, and in the two weeks that follow
the new moon, will be perfectly suited to your personality and your
artistic talents. It will be up to you to show your intent, and go after
what you want most, but once you do, the universe in 2013 will be
behind you all the way and help you reach that brass ring.
Now let’s talk about Jupiter’s rare visit to your home sector, which
is sure to give you a wonderful sense of happiness and joy. The ancient
astrologers always felt that one’s home should be safe, secure, inviting
and attractive, because, the home is fund at the very bottom of the
horoscope wheel (where the “6” is found on the face of a round clock).
If home were not just right, the wheel would rock back and forth,
looking for balance, leaving the person feeling in a perpetual state of
anxiety until the home was made the way the person hoped it to be. This
year the universe will give you powerful help, dear Pisces, so dust off
your wish list to improve your living situation – you may be amazed at
what you are able to achieve.
Jupiter actually entered this part of your chart last year, on 11
June, and was just getting settled into your home sector, when on 4
October, Jupiter went retrograde. When a planet retrogrades, it goes
into a weak, resting state. In 2013, Jupiter will awaken on 30 January,
and remain in speedy, strong orbit you until Jupiter moves on to another
sign on 25 June. Aim to have all your home-related plans done by 25
June for Jupiter will not be back to this part of your chart until
During the time Jupiter is retrograde in January, it will be a fine
time to order repairs and to schedule maintenance of your home. Wash
windows, shampoo carpets, rugs, and upholstery, schedule repairs on the
walls, windows, basement, kitchen and bath, and have rooms painted.
From February through June – and especially in late May and June –
you will reach beneficial time to move, buy, sell or lease a new space,
or to do a stunning renovation on any room you choose in your present
home. You may buy new furniture, add new kitchen appliances, or upgrade
your linens, china, crystal or silver collection. If you live in a
house, and want to improve your grounds, hire a landscaper at your best
new moon of the year, 9 May, plus two weeks. (This may be your best new
moon in 10 years for that project!)
You will have so many options to improve the look and feel of your
home. Jupiter not only provides benefits, but this generous planet is
also known to provide the means to take advantage of all the benefits he
will bring you. If you are on a budget, peruse used-furniture listings —
a great bargain for a handsome piece of furniture may jump out to you
and almost seem to say, “Buy me! I’m perfect for you!”
If you move, your timing would be ideal in the front part of the
year, for your new home would likely be large and very sunny, and it may
even offer a beautiful view, as well as large closets – Jupiter will
see to it that you get these wonderful bonuses. Do not settle for
anything less than the best when looking at new spaces, for with your
sterling aspects you can expect success. If the first options you see
are not quite right, keep looking. Early to mid-June will be your best
month to find ideal situations.
If you stay in the same location, you can cleverly reconfigure your
furniture and storage spaces so that you can give your space a larger
look and feel. It is also possible that you will no longer share your
living space with a roommate or even a spouse, thereby increasing its
size of your home many times over. Or, one of your children may be going
off to boarding school or college, and again, you will feel that your
home has suddenly become bigger.
You will have amazing family support too in the first half of the
year, so your parent may give you a generous check that will allow you
to make a down payment on a house, pay down debt, or renovate your
kitchen or bath. Or, your parent may alternatively offer to do steady
babysitting for you, a valuable offer, allowing you to go to work and
earn good money without having to incur the expense of a nanny.
Mars will bring exceptional energy and focus to home matters from 31
May to 13 July, a sure sign you will be on a mission to see results. In
particular, circle 27 and May and 19 June as days you’ll be overjoyed
with home-related successes and results. These days are truly five star
The last day I listed, 19 June, is extra special – the luckiest day
of the year – when Jupiter and the Sun have their annual meeting. Each
year they meet in a different sign, and this year for the first time
since 2001, they will meet in your home sector. What a wonderful day to
buy, sell or lease, or do something to care for your parent! Add a plus
or minus one day to this date, with the best being one-day prior, 18 or
19 June. Once you have your home as attractive, stylish, and organized
as you want it to be, you will be able to invite in love.
Romance will be your big headline news in the second half of the
year, continuing straight into 2014. This is no small trend – you’ve not
seen anything like this for twelve years, and back then, the planets
were not nearly as cooperative as they will be now.
Starting 25 June, Jupiter will enter fellow water sign Cancer and
bring you a remarkable period for fun, love and meeting many new
romantic interests, and among them may be one that stands out and seems
especially for you. Single Pisces, rejoice – this is the trend you’re
long awaited, and it will run through 16 July 2014!
If you are single, suddenly the universe, determined to bring new
people and many introductions, and if friends offer to play matchmaker
for you, by all means, let them! Among all the new and attractive people
you meet, one person is likely to stand out. If you are already in
love, the feelings you have for your partner will deepen and you both
will likely grow closer.
If you yearn to have a baby, this period, 25 June 2013 to 16 July
2014, will be the very best time for conception that you’ve seen, in
Even before you reach end of June (when Jupiter is due to arrive),
you will have several months that will be ideal for conception of a
baby. Put a gold star on the new moon in the fertile sign of Pisces, 11
March. With Venus, Mercury, Neptune, Sun and new moon in Pisces, you
will be the most favored sign of the zodiac. All new moons provide two
weeks of exceptional energy.
After that, the new moon in fertile Taurus, 9 May plus two weeks,
will be quite special too. At that time, you will have the Sun, new
moon, Mars and Mercury in Taurus, a wonderful time to conceive.
I love July … In a remarkable formation, four powerhouse planets in
water signs will join hands to create a perfect golden triangle in the
heavens that month, linking love, exciting foreign travel, and your
dearest interests into one. This is one of the brilliant features of
2013, and it will hit in perfect calibration from 16 to 22 July, but in
truth, these slow moving planets will be twinkling in water signs from
June straight through early August.
Planets involved in the golden triangle include Jupiter (happiness/
Cancer) with Mars (energy and action/ Cancer), Saturn (stability/
Scorpio), and Neptune (creativity and spirituality/ Pisces). Neptune is
also your ruler, so Neptune will make this configuration even stronger
for YOU than for your friends and relatives who are not Pisces. Working
together in harmony, these planets will help you achieve a dream in
ways you’ve never been possible before.
Put gold stars on 16-22 July, and keep in mind that you will have all
of June, July until early August to take advantage of the poetic
aspects at play in the universe. They will link your houses of
international travel, publishing, broadcasting, academia and legal
matters (where Saturn is based), to your house of creativity and
artistic expression and romance (where Jupiter is based). The last leg
of this dazzling triangle will be in your first house of personality
(where Neptune is currently based in Pisces) and this proves the power
of your determination and drive will allow you to direct this energy in
any way you please.
With Neptune now in Pisces – the sign Neptune entered last year in
February for a 14-year stay, you to ‘speak’ to the world in a highly
individual way. Show your ideas and artistic creations, dear Pisces, for
you can get the attention of influential people who will aid you to get
the approvals you need.
In addition to enjoying a truly grand love life, it appears you will
get a chance to travel overseas this year and enjoy seeing your
creativity flourish on a scale you’ve rarely seen. You are also likely
to enjoy the pleasure of children or the birth of a child in your
immediate family – the baby may be yours.
Your health can dramatically improve this year too, for having
Jupiter in a friendly ‘trine’ position (120 degrees away from your sign –
the word from the word ‘triangle’) is considered the finest place for
Jupiter to be in relation to your Pisces Sun for healing to begin, and
for improving your lifestyle to create a sound mind and body.
Now let’s look at your career, which seems to have been setting off
colourful fireworks in November and December 2012, just prior to the
start of 2013. No one can deny that you are on a roll, and that the
momentum you’ve built up will carry you forward impressively in 2013.
Your creative efforts are weaved like golden threads throughout the
year, especially in March, when you will have such an exceedingly rare
and powerful build up of planets in Pisces. In early February, Mars will
enter Pisces for the first time in two years, and give you a microphone
and platform from which to speak in the metaphysical sense. There is on
doubt that others will be listening to all you have to say and rolling
out the red carpet to get you to where you need to be. Life can’t always
be this way, but when it is, t would be a shame not to use all the
cosmic goodies that are being laid out for you to choose form.
March will be an important month to show off new creative ideas to
get them funded. Mercury will be retrograde for part of the time, from
23 February to 17 March, so don’t sign on the dotted line until after
you pass 17 March. You can, however, go back to clients who know and
love you to see if you can generate more new business.
Your career will bring the most excitement of all at the new moon 2
December, 2013, when planets will come together to allow you to raise
your status in your company, industry, or the world.
Even before you get to that important new moon of 2 December, you
will likely see career developments at the full moon lunar eclipse of 25
April and the solar eclipse of 9 May. Your skills in writing, speaking,
editing, or translating will bring an important publishing or
broadcasting venture, possibly abroad, that points the way to a huge
professional victory. What happens on 25 April and 9 May, the two
eclipses, seems to open the door to more career opportunity later, just
after 2 December.
Financially, you will do well this year. Gone are the continual
tensions of the past three years, for Saturn finally left his tough
position in Libra last October 2012. The difference will be day and
night, dear Pisces. Saturn in Libra should not have been as hard as it
proved to be, but the difficulties you faced were due to other
transiting planets – namely Uranus, Pluto and the eclipses of 2009-2011
that created unusually high tensions. You are free of that influence,
and Saturn will not be back to this place for 29 years. You have learned
a great deal, and now, armed with all that you know now, you will not
have to repeat any of those lessons or circumstances ever again.
Pisces, what a year you have in 2013! Marvelous progress at home, in
love and family, improved finances, a chance to scale greater heights
in your career, and foreign travel, all will make this coming year a